HEre it make up...



  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    Of course you are beautiful without the makeup. There is no question there. But you def look different with it on! It just gives you a little something. For me, I like to do my makeup. I don't put tons of foundation on or anything, but I like to play up my eyes and kind of get matchy with whatever I'm wearing. Today I'm wearing yellow, so its bronzes and browns, black eyeliner and mascara. I don't believe we need to make makeup a chore, but something we enjoy doing. And we shouldn't be afraid to walk out of the house without it on. You are a beauty, and if you don't feel like doing your makeup one day... then don't!
  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    Sorry, what's the difference in the pictures??
    Honestly can't tell either way, you're beautiful with or without makeup!

    yea...what's the difference...?
    you look like 2 completely different people! do!

  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    I'm a no-makeup person like 90% of the time. It's just a general pain. But I am definitely NOT brave enough to post an up-close shot like you just did.

    You are my hero.

    Even if you looked like a foot, you'd still be my hero just for having balls.

    Fortunately, you don't look like a foot. I think you're pretty.

    Kat..thank you for made me feel a little better.

    How are things on your side of the state??

    I would post a picture to make you feel better.. But no effin way. Lol!

    It's lame over here. Nothing exciting. It was cool yesterday evening so we got to enjoy a bike ride. But I'm at work today, so blah. :/

    Is it bright and sunny and beautiful for you? :)
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Beautiful without makeup!
    With makeup you look more sophisticated and professional I think.

    It's fine to go out without makeup (especially for you!!).
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I don't really think people look more pretty with all the makeup, just different. Like you looked more colorful, not prettier. I think colors can compliment an outfit very well, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I think what stands out more is how you arrange your hair, and if you keep your face clean. Otherwise I usually don't even notice if someone is wearing makeup unless it is heavy.

    When I started student teaching I felt obligated to try to wear makeup every day, and after the first two days I stopped. My skin is just too sensitive for all the chemicals in that stuff. No one noticed or commented. I go every day without makeup, and I feel much happier since my eyes/skin don't itch all the time. :laugh:

    This might sound crazy, but if anything I think makeup makes people look older since it has a tendency to look chalky and dry.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    You look beautiful with out it. When you do go with it, I'd suggest toning it down on the blush. (a lot)

    You look great with out it, truly you do