Super Size Me



  • Hannah645
    Hannah645 Posts: 75 Member
    I recommend HBO's documentary "The Weight of the Nation." It's on youtube.

    Weight loss surgery is the right option for some people but not for everyone. I feel like most people mistakenly think it's an "easy option" and judge people for choosing that route.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Food, INC.
    Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
    Hungry for Change
    Food Matters
    Killer At Large
    Forks Over Knives
    The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue
    King Korn
    Food Fight

    Many of these are available online through Hulu, Netflix, or their own website.

    And, of course, the answer to Super Size Me ... Fat Head.

    Spurlock is an idiot.
    I left Fat Head out of that list for a reason. That movie was just a steaming pile of disinformation.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I prefer to support less extreme weight loss methods before going full throttle with surgery.

    Super Size Me is TERRIBLE science. His immensely high caloric intake per day is what ultimately causes his problems, not the fact it was fast food. During this entire time, he consumes more calories per day than a professional wrestler or Olympic athlete.

    Similar effects would occur from eating such high calories of pretty much any diet type. It is NOT typical for anyone to eat 5,000 to 7,000 calories a day as he does in Super Size me.

    While the movie pushed the evilness of "fast food" or the way fast food is portrayed the movie also showed how fast food restaurants even without super sizing your foods can also lead to overeating of calories. In fact they encouraged you by asking you if you want to supersize your meal. There is a reason why many chains lowered their portions of foods. With that in mind, the movie was exaggerated and it gave people an insight of what overeating can do to your body even though that wasn't the motive of the author.

    Either how, it is about the overeating of calories that usually leads to weight gain. Had he eaten in maintenance calories he would have not gained that much weight.