There is one thing you can do to lose weight......

Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Be mentally prepared to do it. Get your HEAD in the right place, and your body will follow. THAT IS IT.
When people ask me how I have done it and I tell them " proper diet and exercise, counting all calories IN and OUT" Some look at me like I just ran over their dog. They want a magic answer from me, An NEW magic pill, ANYTHING except hearing it was hard work getting to where I am today. Granted this is not all people, but ALOT of them. I had one lady tell me on a WED, " Maybe I will go to the gym on Monday" I told her she didnt have to wait till monday, that she could go that night, and she said " yeah, I dont have the time" I knew right then she wasnt ready to do it. You are ready when you stop making excuses, You are ready for weight loss when your head is in the right place..

just wanted to post cause after reading so many posts on here lately I thought I needed to say it.

Tami:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    that is so true when I decided I want to do this is when I went ahead full gusto and just went for it full force instead of making excuse after excuse for myself.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Amen! I can honestly say that when I'm not ready to be healthy, no matter what diet I do, I only stick with it a week or two. But when I'm ready, I do it until I reach my goal. This time when I get to goal I need to focus on being mentally prepared to STAY there.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    It's funny that everyone asks, "How'd you do it?" right and exercise. That's it. That, and one day you just wake up and realize you can't live like you've been living anymore. Once you really, really realize that, you don't have a choice but to move forward. I always question the "next monday" start dates...what's monday exactly? Why is that the magic day for new beginnings? I think today is a great day for a new beginning. :)
  • Grate
    Grate Posts: 71
    You are so awesome and right on,. Congratulations, you rock
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
  • I agree completely. It would be nice for there to be an easy solution but the reality is it takes hard work and determination.
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    That is the truth.

    For me, I always compare it to recovering from a drug addiction. You take it one day at a time... and YOU take the first step. No one does it for you. You gotta be ready to quit making the same mistakes over and over and completely make a change for the better-- and it's for life.
  • Thrice in my life did I ever have significant weight loss. The first time I did it when I just decided I needed to. In my head, I had it all straightened out. The second was when I lived in NYC for three months earlier this year and well the natural walking and my attempt to eat better worked for me. The third time is right now. I woke up early one November morning and just started it all. There was no planning. It just happened one morning and I have been with it for four weeks now (well four weeks on friday). Will power is important, diet is important, exercise is important, but the thing that holds it all together is the lack of that mental block that exists in us all. When your desire to fight against yourself is gone, then all hell-thy breaks loose.
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    ((((((APPLAUSE))))))) Up when you are ready you are like the little engine that could ( thats what I say every day "I know I can I know I can")
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,277 Member
    Thank you! Needed that! :flowerforyou:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I actually took a few weeks prior to starting my weight loss, reading Jillian Michaels Book " winning by losing" and really thinking about it. It was a huge huge thing for me to get my head in the right place. To know that I was doing this for me, and nobody else, To do it cause I didnt want to turn 40 120 pounds overweight ( I turn 40 in March!) to know that I needed to do something cause I Was SICK of not having energy and not being able to walk upstairs with out being out of breath. To know that I was WORTH it, and it was OK to put myself first, for the first time in 20 years, it was OK to do it.
    I have gotten alot of crap this past year from my family for putting myself first, and for all the time it has taken away from my family, but I refuse to feel guilty about saving my life.

    Anyway, I didnt plan on saying all that, I just wanted to say it took me a few weeks of actively thinking about it to be ready for it.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    Us moms worry about the time it takes away from our families, but think of it in terms of the years you are adding to your life expectancy by being more healthy. I think your kids can make it with an hour less of mommy each day if mommy will live __ years longer to help out with the grandkids!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Right on, Sister!!!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thank You!!!! Thank You!! I NEEDED hear/read it.

    I am sad to admit i am one of those people who wants to hear "how you did it - a Quick fix"....not a lifestyle change.

    Good Luck on your jorney:smile::flowerforyou:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    To know that I was WORTH it, and it was OK to put myself first, for the first time in 20 years, it was OK to do it.
    I have gotten alot of crap this past year from my family for putting myself first, and for all the time it has taken away from my family, but I refuse to feel guilty about saving my life.

    My aunt died almost 3 years ago of a massive heart attack. She wasn't even 40. It was her first heart attack. She was overweight (but not by a lot -- maybe 40 or so pounds), was a heavy smoker, and ate badly. I wish she had taken time to take to put herself first. Now her son, who is almost 10, gets to grow up without a mom.

    Even if your family doesn't think it's worth it for you to take time to take care of yourself, it is. I'm glad you're strong enough to take their crap instead of going my aunt's route, and for the rest of your family's lives, them having to say "I really wish she had taken the time to put herself first."

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