What are you doing here?

I joined MFP when I got my first smart phone because it was the very first app that I saw in the app store and I thought, "Well that sounds cool." I thought it was a great way to hold myself accountable for the things that I was putting in my body. The more I did it, the more motivated I became. I hadn't even discovered the site yet! It took me another couple weeks to realize that the site had a message board section. And that's when the shock set in. My lifestyle is for me; I track my food and exercise because doing so is a good tool for me (although I do use the site to support friends as they support me). I'm stunned at the number of people who go on rants about how pissed off they are about the habits of others. "I read their diary and they're _____________________! I'm so sick of seeing this!" Did you really join MFP so you could research other people's habits? If you're so sick of seeing people's diaries, why do you keep looking at people's diaries? Seriously, why did you come here in the first place? So you could be high and mighty to other people? Why do you care so much about how other people are making their journey? I don't see how their habits effect you. They're not forcing you to do the same thing! So, if you're not here for you, then what the hell are you here for? When I see the words "community" and "support" the first thing that jumps into my mind is NOT "constant judgement." Complaining about the choices of others doesn't support them, and it can't possibly be helpful to you, so what purpose does it serve? I really just don't get it. As I said, I'm here for me. What are you here for?


  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm here because I survived a heart attack in February. I took a nutrition class to learn to eat better and the professor suggested a food diary. My cholesterol is down to 182 from 350 and I've lost over 13 lbs since I started 10 weeks ago. I'm hear to help me live, because the alternative is not appealing.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I'm here because I survived a heart attack in February. I took a nutrition class to learn to eat better and the professor suggested a food diary. My cholesterol is down to 182 from 350 and I've lost over 13 lbs since I started 10 weeks ago. I'm hear to help me live, because the alternative is not appealing.

    You're here for exactly the right reason! Congratulations on taking control of your life and health! :drinker:
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm here because I survived a heart attack in February. I took a nutrition class to learn to eat better and the professor suggested a food diary. My cholesterol is down to 182 from 350 and I've lost over 13 lbs since I started 10 weeks ago. I'm hear to help me live, because the alternative is not appealing.
    WOW! Way to go. You're doing great!
  • LilMissWhoDat318
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    To the original post, well said! I keep my food diary private for that reason I do not need people scrutinizing my every meal the thought actually creeps me out a bit.
    To the second post, wow that's an awesome drop in cholesterol well done.
    I'm here because 1, I found this app in exactly the same way as the op. And 2, I'd really like to feel good about myself and not shudder everytime I see a photo of myself.
    This site is addictive its almost like a game making sure my calories are on target each day :)
  • rudy7020
    rudy7020 Posts: 62
    I'm here because I didn't want to weigh 200 lbs anymore.... and now I don't!
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    To the original post, well said! I keep my food diary private for that reason I do not need people scrutinizing my every meal the thought actually creeps me out a bit.

    Second this. What I find funny is when people post questions like "Why don't you have your diary open?". I just point them at topics like this and tell them "it stresses me out and I'm a stress eater."
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    I'm here becaue at 35 I'm tired of my back & knees hurting from yrs of being heavy,because 3 of my siblings now have diabetes,...& I dont want that 4 myself,..& to set a good example for my kids...but mostly because there has always been an ATHLETE to scared to show herself deep down inside me,...and now shes comming out!!!!:love:
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I came here because my top weight was 205. I lost 53 pounds using another more complicated site and stopped counting. I gained back 20 pounds and was terrified of being 200 pounds again. I needed help and support. I knew what to do, but there were so many other theories out there I was unsure of: Eat your exercise calories, don't eat your exercise calories, eat tons of protein, use protein powder, blah, blah, blah. All of the advice and all of the peeking at other people's profiles actually did help me.

    I felt exposed when I opened up my page for public viewing. But I have nothing to hide. I don't really care what you eat and I don't care if you think my diet is nuts. I've become very comfortable with what I am doing and it is the right thing for me. I've never had anyone come down on me like a ton of bricks, and I've learned that other people don't like to be told to eat more veggies. If they want the potato chips and beer diet, great! Let them. I'm keeping my eyes on my own progress and work that I do. I can't exercise like a maniac and I'll never be a runner. But I do follow Eat to Live and I do 80 - 90% of the work. I feel better, I look better, and I've lost my weight.

    Having an open profile has allowed people to see who I am and what I've done. I only started losing weight when I was turning 50. I only joined MFP when I was 54. I've overcome the obstacles of weight loss for me which are: age, menopause, sitting behind a desk, and mostly walking for exercise. It is important to me to help others my age whom I can silently lead by example. I'm not perfect, and many people do much better than I do, but I am kind of a middle of the road example. I don't do anything extreme unless you consider my ETL diet extreme. I feel better than I ever have in my entire life, and I'll never go back to "regular" food. I love the way my "diet" makes me feel. It's my new healthy lifestyle choice.

    I've learned over the years that I do need to log to be accountable or else I start slipping away. That is the real reason I am here. Social is secondary, although I've met some wonderful friends here, too!