What am I missing? (besides willpower)

auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am thinking there has to be something missing from my nutrition, because every stinkin' month, a week before my "friend" comes to visit, I get a head cold and I want chocolate like crazy. I can't stop myself from eating it, and during the holidays, I bake stuff to give to people for gifts and so I have it around the house and have an even harder time keeping myself from eating it, to the point where I'm not losing anymore because of the abundance of baked goods. The easy answer is to stop baking, but I want to have something to give people, and financially, this is what works for us. Anyway, what I'm thinking is there has to be a reason that I want chocolate like there's no tomorrow, maybe something is missing from my diet that my body thinks chocolate will give me, and there is somewhere else I can get it? Anyone have any ideas? Normally willpower is not too much of an issue, but it all goes out the window that time of month, please tell me I can just eat peas or something and get the same stuff my body is craving... Anyone?


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I don't think anyone knows for sure why we crave chocolate, but it's pretty common- women tend to have more intense chocolate cravings than men. I have the same cravings...there has to be something about the way chocolate makes you feel, because when you have a little, you inevitably want a little more...or a lot more (or a neverending supply). Sugar cravings are one thing, but sometimes it just HAS to be chocolate. It could be as simple as the fact that it tastes better than just about anything else.

    There's a challenge going on called No Sweets 'Til Christmas- I'm finding that having a set date is helping me avoid the temptation and not give in. Maybe it will help you.


    As for the whole "that time of the month thing" I don't know...I crave everything during that time, so I think it might have something to do with a need for the extra calories...but I'm sure there's something hormonal going on.
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,277 Member
    This article gives some "assumptions" as to why we would give our first born for a stack of chocolate during PMS:

    But, sadly, the mystery remains. I guess its just another one of our blessings as being women. We get to bleed for a week every month, we have to squeeze bowling balls through pin holes....I think you catch my drift.

    Personally, I struggle DAILY to stay away from sweets but it IS especially bad during PMS. I guess I don't really have advice but I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone :flowerforyou:
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    It's good to know I'm not alone, lol. The no sweets until Christmas is a good idea, 2 of my kids have birthdays between now and then, maybe that would help me stay away from the cake.... Tomorrow is a new day and I'm gonna see if I can go sweetless without ripping anyone's eyeballs out by the end of the day. (4-5 kids and an unemployed husband at home with me allll day, lol)
  • Chocolate is really high in magnesium. It also has lots of antioxidants & it affects the 'anti-depression' parts -- something to do with serotonin, I think. That serotonin part is probably responsible for the cyclical craving. It really isn't all that bad a way to deal with the low part of a cycle -- it isn't actually the chocolate that is bad --- is is all the fat & sugar added to it to make it palatable that causes the trouble. Chocolate isn't naturally sweet -- in fact, it is rather bitter.

    Anyway, I thought if you didn't fight the chocolate part, but rather looked for a way to get the chocolate in a less fatty, low sugar manner, you might find it would all work out okay.

    My hubby satisfies his chocolate cravings by buying raw cacao and then making his own hot chocolate from it. He drinks his chocolate every day instead of coffee (Chocolate also has a caffeine like substance -- a relative of caffeine -- that acts as a stimulant). Unfortunately it smells really good & I can't have any (because of the stimulant).

    You sound like someone who likes to cook, maybe that would be an option for you. He uses a couple scoop of cacao, a scoop of sweetener, a dash of vanilla, then fills the cup up with half milk & half hot water.

    Good luck !
  • Dark chocolate is great for satisying chocolate cravings as a little goes a long way. A square or two will generally be enough!

    Not everyone likes it as it can be quite bitter but you can work your way up to the darker stuff gradually. I can't even stomach milky chocolate now it just tastes awful and I looooooooooove Lindt 99% Cacao. So delicious and can satisy my craving with only about 50 cals.

    The raw Cacao hot chocolate idea sounds delish! If I find some I will definitely be trying that.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    it's normal to have cravings during your pre-menstrual time. and, I must say from experience, that all of my pre-menstrual and menstrual symptoms got stronger as I lost weight (cramps, cravings, moodswings, flow, etc) I think you're perfectly normal but if you're really bothered by any changes in your cycle you should definitely talk to your doctor.
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    The cacao drink sounds good, is that just the hershey powder you use, or is that different than what he uses? I have noticed that the symptoms have gotten much worse over the last 3 months, so losing weight could be related, I hadn't thought of that, but now that I am thinking I remember when I was at my ideal weight for years, the cramps and such were horrendous. Maybe I'll get myself some of the 70% chocolate bars and have a square/serving through the day, see if that helps. Thanks for the ideas gals.

    Oh, I know before I got pregnant with my 1 year old, my doctor said I probably have endometriosis, which is probably where the cramps are coming from, I just haven't been having a problem again until a few months ago.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Hello,,, my name is Casper and I'm a chocoholic
    ~~~~~ <<Hi Casper>>

    Men don't crave chocolate my *kitten* - I've been awakened out of a dead sleep by a bag of Hershey's treasures in the kitchen. ""Casper,,, come get us,,, we're so little, we won't hurt anything :devil: """.

    Same as anything else. Have a little, resist it most of the time. Indulge in small quantities and really savor it when you do.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Chocolate increases serotonin levels, causes the brain to release endorphins, and causes the release of several other neurotransmitters (which I don't feel like trying to spell right now) to give us that warm fuzzy feeling. The feeling can be addictive (despite the lack of actual physical addiction). In my opinion, the term "chocoholic" isn't too far off (except the fact there's no such thing as "chocohol" :tongue:).

    The endorphins and neurotransmitters are good for you. They relieve stress (which is often much-needed during pms, am I right?), make you happy, and and add pep to your step.
    Get a small bar of yummy super dark chocolate and have a tiny piece when you crave and cave. It will help.
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    The good news is....that your metabolism is 30% higher during your menstruation cycle, so they say that is the time to eat it if you are going to.
    I want to know why I just finished my period and decided it was ok to eat a dozen oatmeal raisin cookies that I baked for the 'kids'.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I would try baking healthy(er) treats instead. Like Zucchini bread or banana bread, both are very yummy but not as bad for you as cookies or brownies would be. You could also make a trail mix type of blend. Jelly beans, popcorn, anything that you think would taste yummy together then top with cinnamon and sugar.
    I have also put all the dry ingredients for cookies together in a cute baggy with the cooking directions and a list of the wet ingredients (add one egg and a cup of milk, mix then bake ect ect) and a cute poem about how baking cookies with your kids/family will bring you closer as a family. Then give the bags of cookie mix as the gift saying that it is a gift of family time with your loved ones. This also works with coco mix. Put the coco into the bag and add marshmallows on top. Then a poem, or you could even say something like “because I can’t mail you a warm drink of coco please enjoy this and think of me, happy holidays”
    Just some idea’s, stay strong and good luck!

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  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    "Caramel is chocolate for Canadian women."

    I haven't had my time of the month in nearly two years (nursing has kept it at bay for the past year), but I get the same way. Chocolate and salt! I'm thinking it may be on the verge of coming back because yesterday I ate two pork ribs... with chocolate cake. Literally. Together.

    I counted the calories and factored in in, but still! Pork and chocolate. Together. And it was divine. And I wanted more, but couldn't have it. :(
  • Auntbliz --- It isn't the Hershey's powder, though I don't see why that wouldn't work.

    The cacao powder my husband uses is "raw Cacao" he gets in bulk from somewhere on line, but he has also picked it up in smaller quantities at the local co-op. I think any natural food store or somewhere that sells organic stuff would be a good place to look.

    on PMS:

    I used to have extreme PMS. After some medical consultations, I found I could keep it under control by making sure I was getting enough of the B vitamins. Although there are several other variables, for me the B vitamins were the most important.

    I also had more trouble if I ate lots of sugar, or didn't get any exercise or didn't get enough vitamin D (or sunshine)... but the Bs were the most dramatic for me. Now I just add some nutritional yeast into some of my foods --- it took awhile to get used to the taste & find a brand that I liked, but now I crave it if I haven't had any for a while.

    Hope this helps
  • incircles_lp2
    incircles_lp2 Posts: 132 Member
    Check out the book called "The End of Overeating" by David Kessler. It is not a self help or lecturing type of book. It is a book about the fundamental reasons why we can't help ourselves indulge. It is science based but also culturally based. I haven't read it myself, but I have heard good things about it.

    I lOVE chocolate too!! it is the best food drug ever
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    Banana bread muffins is one of my favorites, that's one I just packed up and gifted with the other treats. This morning I got up and packaged all the stuff I had made, so now if I snitch a piece, it's not mine to take, it's STEALING. It worked well for me today, lol.
    Daffdilly, I had never heard of nutritional yeast before, so I looked it up and it sounds like something I'd like to try for my family. Can you tell me the kinds of places you'd get such things, and maybe a few brands?
    I did have a couple pieces of dark chocolate today, I didn't wait for a craving for it, just had them, and I actually ate healthy food all day and didn't go over my calories. Yay! I hope to do as well tomorrow.
  • congrats!

    Nutritional yeast --

    If you have a local Co-op, it will probably sell some in bulk -- I recommend getting just a few Tbsps, to see if you like it. It will come as flakes, or powder & the different brands can taste very different. Some will be nutty, some strong, some mild, some toasty, some bitter, some slightly sweet... lots of variations.... sort of like the variations in different sourdough starters.

    Anyway, there is also Brewer's yeast which tastes different yet but is another good source of Vitamin Bs. I like the Nutritional yeast better, but that is just me and you might like the Brewer's yeast better.

    The Nutritional Yeast brand I like best is (unfortunately) real expensive -- Premier Research Labs, "Quantum Nutritional Flakes". Lots of places on the web to buy that from so shop around... my last source was "NaturalHealthyConcepts.com" 920-886-7500.... but you might find it cheaper elsewhere.

    If you can find a local source --- like Whole Foods, or Wild Oats Markets, or a Co-op, or..... organic section of a grocery store... or maybe in a Nutritional supplement place --- that might be the cheapest source -- as long as you can get a small sample to taste. You can call places first & ask if they carry it --- save you some time. I'd look up Health Foods, or Organic Foods, or some such in the yellow pages.

    You might have to try a few before you find one you like, so I recommend not buying big amounts. It is horrible to have a huge jar of nasty tasting stuff lying around! Any if you don't like the taste --- there is no way to disguise it --- I've made some pretty horrible messes trying to use up brands I didn't like...lol

    I add some onto my cereal, put it on noodles, put in bread, sprinkle on rice or potatoes.... unfortunately I like it best with carbs :P

    .... question ....
    how do I get that weight loss bar into the posts I make on these forums?
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    for the signature line- go to tools and click on the weight loss tickers and it will walk you through the setup. then it will give you a big long url to copy, once you copy that, click on the 'community' tab and then click on 'signature' and then you can paste the url into the signature spot and click save. it's pretty easy to do, it's just knowing where to go to get it in there that is problematic.
  • thanks !
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hello,,, my name is Casper and I'm a chocoholic
    ~~~~~ <<Hi Casper>>

    Men don't crave chocolate my *kitten* - I've been awakened out of a dead sleep by a bag of Hershey's treasures in the kitchen. ""Casper,,, come get us,,, we're so little, we won't hurt anything :devil: """.

    Same as anything else. Have a little, resist it most of the time. Indulge in small quantities and really savor it when you do.

    Manly men don't crave chocolate! They crave...steak....and fish...and bacon...dipped in chocolate. Now that's manly.
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    Hello,,, my name is Casper and I'm a chocoholic
    ~~~~~ <<Hi Casper>>

    Men don't crave chocolate my *kitten* - I've been awakened out of a dead sleep by a bag of Hershey's treasures in the kitchen. ""Casper,,, come get us,,, we're so little, we won't hurt anything :devil: """.

    Same as anything else. Have a little, resist it most of the time. Indulge in small quantities and really savor it when you do.


    I was wondering if we had met because I too am a member of CA (Chocoholics Anonymous). Actually, I'm not so good at the anonymous part. Anywyays, your post had be literally lol.
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