Any other EX-Jehovah's Witnesses on MFP?



  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    *turns out lights and pretends I'm not home* :D

    haha I love it
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    *turns out lights and pretends I'm not home* :D

    *dont cough! dont cough! dont effing cough! They will know you are here, then!*
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member

    /kəlt/Noun: A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.Synonymsworship - religion - adoration

    So its a large well organized cult ;)
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member

    /kəlt/Noun: A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.Synonymsworship - religion - adoration

    So its a large well organized cult ;)

    Well, if we are using this logic, ALL forms of religion would classify as "cult"....... DO NOT DRINK THE KOOL AID!!!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    *turns out lights and pretends I'm not home* :D

    Shhhh! They'll hear us.

    (I actually remember my mom and my brothers doing this, but don't remember if it was for JW, Amway, or something else. When they left our front porch, they actually went and sat on their briefcases/backpacks in the front yard, so we had to be quiet for a long time. Now that I'm an adult, I would handle it slightly differently, and would likely yell something about YOU PEOPLE GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN!!! *dang whippersnappers*...)
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Please make an "Ex Witnesses" group.
    The "Current Witnesses" have made a group.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Which is why I have zero, nada, zilch...nothing to do with a religion.

    But I love Jesus so stinkin much!!
  • LilMissSunshine_

    /kəlt/Noun: A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.Synonymsworship - religion - adoration

    So its a large well organized cult ;)

    I don't believe they fall into the category of "sinister". There are some very very good people. Some are hypocites and alot aren't. Just like any other religion.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    If so, drop a line and/or add me =)

    curious as to why you are looking only for those that have turned away from Jehovah? or are you really looking for those that have been dis-fellowshipped?

    without knowing who you are truly looking for, I doubt you'll have much luck in getting either category to respond as one usually does not wish to associate with the other.

    I am an ex-Jehovah's Witness & I've found many others on various internet forums. Just like with any other mutual interests, it's nice to find others with shared experiences. I saw several threads for current JWs looking for fellow Witnesses, & it only stands to reason there must be others like myself who are no longer part of the organization on here. Ex-JW encompasses all who used to be JWs but are not any longer. Unlike those still in the organization, those who have left have no problems talking to one another.

    I beg to differ. Those that have been dis-fellowshipped but are working toward re-instatement would not want to associate with those that have left the organization with no intention of returning.

    You^^^ are not the kind of person she is trying to connect with. It is people like you seems she wants to get away from. The fact that she wants to find people who are no longer JW's and do not wish to be makes a hell of alot of sense to me.

    ^^ HOLLA!!!
  • LilMissSunshine_
    I used to be the one going door to door. Now I am the one army crawling across the floor to hide.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member

    /kəlt/Noun: A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.Synonymsworship - religion - adoration

    So its a large well organized cult ;)

    I don't believe they fall into the category of "sinister". There are some very very good people. Some are hypocites and alot aren't. Just like any other religion.

    You didn't know the elders in my congregation...a lot of shady shizzle happened and it was covered up....
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    What I want to know is what's the big NO NO on organized sports, and birthdays? I remeber a girl I grew up with wasn't allowed to eat birthday cake, or play organized sports. Actually, she wasnt allowed to come to my birthday party either.
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    Well, since ALL religions claim you are doomed if you do not share in their beliefs, then it stands to reason that we're ALL doomed. With that being said, can the MFP forums get back to being fitness related???

    sheesh!!! :huh:
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    What I want to know is what's the big NO NO on organized sports, and birthdays? I remeber a girl I grew up with wasn't allowed to eat birthday cake, or play organized sports. Actually, she wasnt allowed to come to my birthday party either.
    Do you REALLY want to know?
    I will be happy to give an HONEST explination if you really are interested....
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    What I want to know is what's the big NO NO on organized sports, and birthdays? I remeber a girl I grew up with wasn't allowed to eat birthday cake, or play organized sports. Actually, she wasnt allowed to come to my birthday party either.
    Do you REALLY want to know?
    I will be happy to give an HONEST explination if you really are interested....

    well, if you have the non google or wikepedia answer I would love to know. Looks like becasue they believe them to have pagan origins?
  • NakedLunchTime
    What I want to know is what's the big NO NO on organized sports, and birthdays? I remeber a girl I grew up with wasn't allowed to eat birthday cake, or play organized sports. Actually, she wasnt allowed to come to my birthday party either.
    Do you REALLY want to know?
    I will be happy to give an HONEST explination if you really are interested....

    I really want to know!!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    *drinks the koolaid, dies*

    *rises up out of her body in grand ascention, only to find ...*

  • LilMissSunshine_

    /kəlt/Noun: A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.Synonymsworship - religion - adoration

    So its a large well organized cult ;)

    I don't believe they fall into the category of "sinister". There are some very very good people. Some are hypocites and alot aren't. Just like any other religion.

    You didn't know the elders in my congregation...a lot of shady shizzle happened and it was covered up....

    Which happens in alot of diffrent religions. I do agree they are ridiculous and can be hyprocrites but a majority of them are just normal people who have faith in their religion and would go to the end of the earth for a complete stranger. My mother is one of those people. I chose to NOT follow the religion. It just wasn't for me. Not because they are bad people.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    Well, since ALL religions claim you are doomed if you do not share in their beliefs, then it stands to reason that we're ALL doomed. With that being said, can the MFP forums get back to being fitness related???

    sheesh!!! :huh:
    Get out of the Chit-chat section.
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    Well, since ALL religions claim you are doomed if you do not share in their beliefs, then it stands to reason that we're ALL doomed. With that being said, can the MFP forums get back to being fitness related???

    sheesh!!! :huh:

    See "chit-chat, fun, and games". This is the section that people go to when we do NOT want it to be fitness related. You are more than welcome to relocate to a thread more suited to your needs, though!

This discussion has been closed.