Work lunches and sensible but not boring Snacks

Hi Everyone,

I started using MFP after I read an article in Woman's World magazine about a lady who lost 137lbs, she said her secret to success is tracking all of her food (including the good the bad and the ugly).

I have done everything in the past to lose weight if there is a diet out there name it I bet I have tried it. I have gone the pills route and always wind up gaining the weight back. After a conversation with my sister she said "if losing weight was easy everyone would be thin" and "if there was a magical pill to take everyone would take it". I decided to take a stand and change my life, don't get me wrong I still have my "moments" when the food is in my mind better than the weight loss, but I decided to just track all my food and lose this weight once and for all the healthy way.

After that long ramble basically what I am looking for is suggestions for healthy lunches and good snacks to take to work.
I prefer to have higher good fat snacks ie. avocado, nuts, cheese but I find that sometimes I am over eating because I am still hungry.

I am a legal assistant and sit at my desk for most of the day, so I need suggestions that are a grab and type of thing.

I look forward to your thoughts and comments.


  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    Variety! Even simply stuff can be great, make your own "trail mix" and bring fruits and veggies!