How to manage dinner when in a large deficit?



  • jypratt79
    Hey Sherrill.
    I dont think having a 1000 calorie dinner is smart. I think some days you may just have to live with a deficit. The better idea would be to try and eat more calories earlier in the day-especially carb calories. For example, try and incorporate cheese-cheeses strings are portable and quick and easy-so are nuts and seeds- add nuts or seeds to your yougurt in the am, have peanut butter and celery with raisins at am snack, with cheese as well- add a hardboiled egg as a pm snack or as a topping to salads-this is a health way to increase protien (that helps to build muscle) to all out meals-let me know what you think. And dont forget the point of weightloss is to have a calorie deficit each day, the minimum you should consume so you wont go into starvation mode is around 1200 calories. so try and hit that even with all the exercise you are doing! Nurses`orders!