Did you take off your Thanksgiving lbs. yet?

I know a lot of us gained over the holiday. I went from 145 to 149 with three days of eating! It wasn't so much the Thanksgiving meal, but also eating out twice in three days which we so rarely do. When my family comes to town they always want to eat out. As of this morning, I was back under 145, at 144.4 :bigsmile: Now I'm ready to get down to business and take off some more weight before Christmas.


  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I too gained about 5lbs over the last two weeks, including Thanksgiving!

    I've just started back to working them off. Lost 1 by this morning, working on the others. :smile:
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    I was sick all last week and this week so far so I actually lost 3 pounds over thanksgiving, I'd rather have not been sick and gained though :frown:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    You didn't really "gain" that 4 pounds. That would be 14,000 excess calories.

    You ate a lot, and a lot of salty stuff, and shocked your body for a couple days there. You probably really gained 1 pound, and retained 3 pounds of water. Now you're back on track and it's gone, no harm no foul - as you probably knew it would be. It's how I relaxed and enjoyed my holiday!

    ((I was up a couple for a few days there, but now I'm back in place and even lost a couple. I'm hoping that shock might have broken a plateau I've been on for a while)).
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    idk, I probably took in an insane amount of calories those days. I can still really go overboard when I'm in that "eating" mindset. I drank a ton of water Saturday and Sunday and weight was still up on Monday. Normally, if it's just water, it only takes me a day or two to take it off. I have to cut my cals waaay back to get my weight back down. When I was heavy, I actually remember that some of my weight came from a couple of vacations. I would come home 5 lbs. heavier and just never lose it. I remember one trip in particular where I permanently went from being 180-185 and I never did lose that weight.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    omg, I just got back to my pre-thanksgiving weight! weighed in today at the same weight as the day before thanksgiving!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    One pound left to go :-)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    A stomach virus has helped me shed a few more pounds. I'm not going to put it on the scoreboard until I see if it stays off.
  • jsjaclark
    I was lucky and didn't gain weight over Thanksgiving - I did eat pretty much what I wanted, but drank lots of water and ate lots of veges from the vege tray before dinner.
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I've got 3 pounds to go, my gain was from eating leftovers for days though, had I stopped after Thanksgiving and started counting calories again, I wouldn't have had anything but the water weight to lose, but I misplaced my willpower for several days.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I actually lost a pound over Thanksgiving by simply not eating more than one plate full and walking/hiking every day. I got two workouts in on Thanksgiving, which I think was the key. Yay!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    My scale went up 4, which surprised me because I worked out every day and went over calories only Thanksgiving day, but I had about three days that weren't completely my normal diet either. So far, it's gone down 3 of the 4, so not too much damage was done, but it was a good eye-opener that things can head back the wrong direction pretty easily!
  • ImGoinDown
    Thank god yes, and then some. I went from 183 on Nov. 24th to 194 on Nov. 28th. I'm now 177.