diagnosed with TMJ, need soft food ideas!

I have had a clicking and aching jaw along with headaches for a few months now. Finally went to the dentist and i defo have TMJ.

Was told to go on a soft food diet. I think i'm going to struggle as i'm a bit fussy as it is! So any ideas are welcome :) I'm on a budget too but not that it matters too much.

I don't fancy living off mashed potatoes for a while lol Not sure how long i have to do this for but it's at least a month :sad:


  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    Bump :)
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    No one? Ok :(
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    That's gonna be a tough one.

    Greek Yogurts, Whole grain breads, soft fruits n veggies, nut butters, eggs.
    You'll know when you go food shopping what to avoid. Hopefully it gets better or goes away.
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I thought you might need a giggle....When my daughter, who has TMJ, told her husband to be that her TMJ was bothering her he asked.....what is that, Too Much Jaw????? Happy Friday!
  • twinmom1993
    Apple sauce, comes in all sorts of flavors!!!
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    Tuna, rice, swede/carrot mash, home-made veggie soups .. loads of stuff.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I thought you might need a giggle....When my daughter, who has TMJ, told her husband to be that her TMJ was bothering her he asked.....what is that, Too Much Jaw????? Happy Friday!

    haha i can talk a lot! Hope your daughter is all better. It's a right pain.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I have TMJ! It is not fun, but you can use common sense to figure out what you should and shouldn't eat. Giant smoothies are great (protein powder, spinach, carrots, banana) soft fruits and veggies, cooked tender meats. Fish is especially good because it tends to get really soft. Baked potatoes and sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, rutabaga and celeriac are great as well. Just stay away from anything too tough, crunchy, etc. I tend to mash up sweet potato, swede, carrots and potatoes all together with milk and greek yogurt so I get plenty of veggies but they're not too hard on me. Things I cannot eat without being in pain the next day: potato chips, a lot of raw veggies, especially carrots, crunchy cereals, apples (unless I cut them into slices).

    Also, don't forget to massage your jaw daily. If you massage from the temples down, it helps with TMJ headaches, too. It really does help. I had to learn to relax. I guess I was always clenching my jaw.

    ETA: cottage pie, soups, chili, fish pie, etc.. are all good, soft things to eat.
  • minnielovesmickey
    minnielovesmickey Posts: 84 Member

    I'm going to reel off some soft foods you can have:-
    Eggs any way, cous cous, cottage cheese, any flavour soup you fancy, grated cheese, goats cheese, smoothies full of smooth peanut butter, berries, almond milk, soft noodles, the inside of a baked potato with butter, chilli & rice (no kidney beans) protein shakes, spaghetti bolognese/carbonara, Tuna, salmon, any fish with the bones taken out.
    You can even have a square of chocolate when you fancy a sugar fix as it will just melt in your mouth!

    Just make you're getting a varied diet
    Good luck x
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    I just stole a recipe for banana pancakes, it might be good for you if you can manage it....mash one banana and add to 2 beaten eggs, spoon mixture into a medium hot frying pan (a good non stick one means no oil/fat) and turn, eat while hot. It makes a really lovely change and its so quick and easy!! Good luck xxx
  • LegzyK
    LegzyK Posts: 172 Member
    I've had TMJ for many years, did the doc prescribe any med for you? Stress can be a main factor. It helps to hold a bag of frozen peason your jaw to ease the pain when its bad. I also had a night guard made, but it was expensive...it defiantly helps. Maybe they don't cost as much as they use to, ask your dentist. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Make friends with your hand blender!

    You can make soups out of almost any vegetable, and when belnded they have a lovely silky texture. Add in a tin of any sort of beans for protein, they mush up really well too.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I just stole a recipe for banana pancakes, it might be good for you if you can manage it....mash one banana and add to 2 beaten eggs, spoon mixture into a medium hot frying pan (a good non stick one means no oil/fat) and turn, eat while hot. It makes a really lovely change and its so quick and easy!! Good luck xxx

    mmm they sound yummy! i will make them tomorrow :) thank you x
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    I've had TMJ for many years, did the doc prescribe any med for you? Stress can be a main factor. It helps to hold a bag of frozen peason your jaw to ease the pain when its bad. I also had a night guard made, but it was expensive...it defiantly helps. Maybe they don't cost as much as they use to, ask your dentist. Good luck :flowerforyou:

    I went yesterday and no they just said paracetamol and ibuprofen and gave me a couple of exercises to do. I do suck my thumb :blushing: so got told to put something on it at night (i have control during the day unless i'm upset or stressed then i have to kick myself) and see what happens in a few weeks. Most likely is the thumb sucking. My jaw is worse now as the amount of times i had to open it for them urgh. They would have given me a mouth guard but it won't stop the thumb sucking but if my tmj doesn't improve i could be grinding. Thank you :)
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435

    I'm going to reel off some soft foods you can have:-
    Eggs any way, cous cous, cottage cheese, any flavour soup you fancy, grated cheese, goats cheese, smoothies full of smooth peanut butter, berries, almond milk, soft noodles, the inside of a baked potato with butter, chilli & rice (no kidney beans) protein shakes, spaghetti bolognese/carbonara, Tuna, salmon, any fish with the bones taken out.
    You can even have a square of chocolate when you fancy a sugar fix as it will just melt in your mouth!

    Just make you're getting a varied diet
    Good luck x

    i love kidney beans :(

    thank you for this. when someone says "soft food diet" i think omg i can't eat anything apart from mash haha i bought 2 boxes of ready brek today so they should last!

    Thanks to everyone else as well!! Much appreciated
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    Apple sauce, comes in all sorts of flavors!!!

    i thought it was just plain old apple? haha
  • Eafears
    Eafears Posts: 135 Member
    I had a bad case of this last year. All the ideas people listed are great I just wanted to say don't forget to massage from the temples down and also inside your mouth at the joint of the jaw. That helped me more than anything else. This may sound crazy but you should also massage your feet, it's all connected and it really does help. Good luck!
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    I was also told by my dentist and ENT that I have TMJ. I believe it was caused by grinding my teeth while I sleep! I do have a night guard but it is not comfortable and very rarely wear it! I also noticed that when I get stressed I clinch my Jaw which does not help. My ENT gave me muscle relaxers. He never mentioned the soft food diet.
  • alyja09
    alyja09 Posts: 34 Member
    I've suffered from TMJ since I got my wisdome teeth removed 7 years ago. My mouth would get stuck open sometimes when I would eat a sandwich haha. It's gotten better, but what helped it most dramatically was doing the whole 30. You can look into it if you want to here: http://whole9life.com/

    I didn't go into it expecting it so I am very excited that it was just an added benefit. I can open my mouth all the way open without it sticking. I can bit into things with just minimal popping. Opening and closing doesn't require a shift or pop anymore. It's actually unbelievable.

    I don't know if you've tried it or not, but you can look into a mouth guard to wear at night too. I do some night grinding, but the mouthguard didn't help dramatically. If most of your problem stemps from night grinding though, it'll really benefit you.

    Good luck! I really feel for those with TMJ. It's awful.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Bean soups! It's getting to be autumn anyways, so it's just about time.

    One of my favorite is Mexican Lentil Soup--it's super easy to make--just brown up some onions, carrots, green peppers in a tiny bit of olive oil... Add 2 cups of dry lentils, a 16 oz. jar of salsa (any kind), and then 6 cups of water. Bring to a boil and then lower to a simmer for 35-45 minutes, depending on how mushy you like it. Top with cheese, plain yogurt, sour cream. Or serve over brown rice. Or serve as dip for nacho chips (the way my son eats it).

    And, honestly, anything you can make in a crockpot/slow cooker is bound to be pretty mushy.