What is my problem?

jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Seriously, I need to lose the weight that I'm lugging around. It's ugly and unhealthy, and causing so many different kinds of stress. Meanwhile, when I get home at the end of the day, I’m exhausted - all I can do is relax, make dinner, do housework, homework and spend some time with my fiancé.

So here's my life (my profile gives you my weight, etc).

I am 29 years old, engaged and living with the man of my dreams (seriously - best person I've ever met). Last year I lost my military contract because I got seriously ill with a condition that resembles, but is not, Bell's Palsy. It took a toll on me and my body, and put me on the couch for months. I'm still on medication for it 12 months later.

I was doing really well when I started on MPF in September, and then I finally got back to work, and things went to pieces. The 5 lbs I had lost came back. I was so excited about those first 5 lbs!

Now I'm working full time, work with the CF Primary Reserves Tuesday nights, I'm going to school part time (independent study for my LPN diploma), and trying to live a somewhat normal life - except that I don't seem to have the time or energy to work out, not the inclination to measure my food.

Ad I know only I have the power to do it.

Working out in the morning isn't an option because I start work too early to shower beforehand. I only get 30 minutes for lunch. I get home around 4, but then I need to do the dishes from the day before, start supper, eat supper and then do schoolwork. If I'm not in bed by 10 I'm completely useless, and if I don't get enough sleep my paralysis acts up.

Weekends are better, but also swamped with all the things we don't have time to do during the week, but I can always make it there at least twice.

And then there is food. I have Celiac's Disease, so I can not eat gluten. That means no readily available soups, I can't take sandwiches (I'll let you know if I ever discover comparable bread - I'm not willing to eat cardboard). But I eat a salad for lunch when I work, and eat a lot of fruit. At then end of the day I'm hungry, so I try to save some calories so I can eat later.

At work I login and track what I'm eating no problem. At home - not so much. We eat fairly well, except for our snacks ( I recently discovered a Superstore-brand ice-cream that make my toes curl). And yes, I'm an emotional eater.

On top of this, I have a BMI that makes me MORBIDLY OBESE. Ick. And I need to loose weight before I get pregnant, because I'm already high-risk for uterus issues. (I already knew that, but that doc told me yesterday anyway....)

I have the most supportive fiancé in the world - he loves me for, no matter what I weigh or how I look. He gives me all the support I could every need to do anything I want - so no issues there.

So... I know all these things about myself. I know all these things well enough to explain them to you. So, what is my F%^&*# problem???


  • sarahricks
    sarahricks Posts: 90 Member
    I wouln't worry about exercising just yet. I would start out with really going through what you eat. I know it's super hard. There are some people here I've seen on gluton free diets so they may be able to give you hints there.
    I started just watching what I ate it took about a week of really watching before I quit craving. I'm a really big muncher so that was my big thing. I kept a class of water in the kitchen and when ever I walked in to munch I'd see the water take a drink and walk out. I lost 10 pounds my first month with just watching my food intake. Then fell off the wagon and gained and lost the same 5 pounds for about 2 months. Now I'm on again and I'm down 16. It's hard but definatly worth it. Good Luck.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    You need to make working out a priority in your life. You are very busy but if you make it a must to work out for 30 minutes 4 times a week, you can. You will actually have MORE energy to do all of your other busy tasks!

    It is great to have support, you are lucky to have a fiance like that. Will he work out with you?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Yes, he works out with me anytime I ask. We belong to the same gym, and sometimes we do that for for our monthly date night. I know I'm lucky. I also know I'm stuck in what seems to be a really hard place.
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Good luck. Just remember it never really gets easier because when you finally have the time to work out you don't especially when you get older for many reasons. My best advice is to make the time now no matter what. I was breastfeeding and going back to grad school for my Master in Nursing a few years ago and with 4 children I still made time for cleaning, working out and spending time with family. You just have to make the committment of how to best utilize your time. I have always worked over 30 years now and still I get up early to work out before my 8 AM job or if on occasion I sleep in I will walk on the treadmill, jump on the trampoline in the house, or lift weights, holahoop whatever.
    Your heart is a muscle and always needs a challenge to pump harder get stronger so when you rest your heart rests longer between contractions. Lifting weights is for your muscles who need resistence in order to perform better for you when you need them. So basically working out is as important as eating and should get the same respect....
  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :smile: There is nothing wrong with you except you are swamped and not feeling well. One thing I do is make my lunch so that I can walk while I eat lunch. Usually what I use is sugar free low cal all grain bread with fat free smoked turkey breast and then fat free or low fat cheese stick. That way I can eat and walk at the same time!:smile:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I think you don't really have a problem. . .

    But, I think you need to ask yourself two questions, and really, really think about them.

    "Why did I gain this weight?"
    "Why do I want to lose this weight."

    IMHO, until we ask/answer those questions, it can be hard/impossible to lose.

    I started out in much the same position you were. I knew I was unhealthy, I knew it was time to make a change but I didn't feel motivated, or ready to make a huge life-altering change all at once.
    The way I started is I picked two small changes to make: one bad habit to drop, and one to pick up. I had a terrible habit of buying a chocolate bar (OK, or two or even three) every time I stopped at the gas station (which was often, at the time I was doing a nearly two hour commute in my car). So, I stopped eating gas station chocolate. (I even still had chocolate from other sources) Next, I started walking ten minutes a day. After a few weeks, I subtracted one more thing and added one more thing. I wasn't "motivated" in the beginning. . .but I knew I had to make a change. . .which sounds like the state you're at. I took baby steps, kept making them and they really added up.

  • There are many ways to work out without working out. Take a longer route to your desk, or workplace. I used to have to put files away and saved them up for one trip. After I discovered how many steps I could get in by just taking each file one trip at a time, I started losing weight and inches doing that. AND I got paid for it. I also made sure that I parked as far away from my workplace that I could. Move while you are cooking!~! The key is to just move. Although I am new to MFP, I previously lost 20 lbs that I have kept off by doing just that. Good luck..... Remember, If you eat it and then log it.....ITS TOO LATE!
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