Incorporating "healthy" meals into a busy day...

I know that this topic/question has been brought about on several occasions, but I'm not too sure as to where my answer is... So I'm about to ask, and see what kind of help I can get...

I work part-time in retail, usually averaging 5-9 hour shifts, but often leave the house early in the morning to accomplish two-ish hours at the gym, a walk down the pier, and grabbing a large ham grinder before heading into my shift. I often find that I am hungry(even when saving half for my half-hr breaks), and with the little amount of cash I usually have on hand, I resort to fast food. Granted, I am usually within(often under) my calorie goal for the day, and have lost four pounds since I've joined this site.

My question for you all, is what would be the healthiest(and most fulfilling) meals I could make for myself before heading out for the day. I usually have Special K Protein Plus cereal in the morning, which keeps me full until 2ish, but after it's all about the sandwich-which is way too many carbs. I find it hard to bring yogurt with me because I usually don't have access to a refridgerator until I get to work much later than the gym, and am sick of just bringing the "healthy" snacks, and resorting with ending up and buying fast food/junk...

So my overall question, is what are some healthy lunch/dinner fixes that I could make, that will help keep me fueld during my work shift, but also be relatively inexpensive, easy to make, and leave-in-car capable(best way to word it)?

Any help you guys could send my way is greatly appreciated!


((And if anyone has suggestions to incorporating more water in my day, that would help me too))