How long does it take....

So, I am fairly new to MFP. I am in the military and in order to keep my job, I must be and stay fit. I've had 3 children and multiple surgeries....the last surgery being in Feb 2012. I have a stigma about eating. I feel as if no matter what I eat whether healthy or unhealthy, I will gain weight. Its a never ending cycle going from being small to gaining tons of weight again. Not at all good for my health, my mind or my career for that matter.

So I was told by a dietician that I dont eat enough for how much I work out which is 6 days a week. I am slowly upping my calories from eating 1200-1500 cals a day to 2000-2300 cals a day. Its so hard for me though. But basically, Im wondering if there is anyone out there who had to increase their calories to lose weight and was successful? Also, about how long did it take to see a difference when the calories were increased? It doesnt help that I weigh myself TWICE a day (in the morning before I get dressed and at night before I go to bed). I've become almost OCD about it. Any suggestions, advice, encouragement would be awesome!! I feel like Im in this weight loss battle alone :(