wondering if I am loosing too fast



  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    As Agator82 said, most of what you lose in your first week is water weight. Your body is adjusting to it's new eating and exercise routine and flushing the system. You'll even out by next week and lose a steady 0.5-2lbs per week.
  • bran26ju
    bran26ju Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome. Thank you I have retained fluid for awhile on meds for it that I hope to be rid of someday. I use the wii fit scale it is more accurate than my scale is. My husband said he can get his arms around me so I must be getting smaller :) My clothes are feeling better not so tight fitting as they use to be.
    I just started a week ago too, and lost nine pounds already. I suspect that it is mostly water loss. You may not be eating as much sodium as you start to eat healthier. That would affect how much water you retain. Also different scales can weigh differently, even though they are "supposed" to be calibrated correctly. And face it, we all know that if you lean forward or backwards it can change the reading. The real issue is inches and how clothes are fitting.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Typically the heavier you are the more you will lose the first couple of weeks because it's such a drastic change and most of it is water weight. It should level off in a few more weeks...
    I would tend to agree with this. Especially if you just started a diet when you joined that eliminated a lot of processed foods that have a lot of salt. You could easily drop 5 pounds or more of just water that your body has retained by cutting down your daily salt intake.
  • bran26ju
    bran26ju Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you it does seem easy to get off I was just getting worried it was too much but seems it is the norm for the first week or so. That is a relief to know it will slow down some.
    Congrats on getting started, my rule is that weight loss in the first week will be 80% water and digestive processes as your body acclimates to your new way of eating, I saw that type of big number on the first week so I did not even share it until I was in week 3. Congratulations and good luck on your quest!
  • bran26ju
    bran26ju Posts: 30 Member
    The only salt product I eat everyday is mr noodle soup. I know it is garbage food with no value but since I don't have anything else with salt it is my "treat"
    Typically the heavier you are the more you will lose the first couple of weeks because it's such a drastic change and most of it is water weight. It should level off in a few more weeks...
    I would tend to agree with this. Especially if you just started a diet when you joined that eliminated a lot of processed foods that have a lot of salt. You could easily drop 5 pounds or more of just water that your body has retained by cutting down your daily salt intake.
  • bran26ju
    bran26ju Posts: 30 Member
    The only salt product I eat everyday is mr noodle soup. I know it is garbage food with no value but since I don't have anything else with salt it is my "treat"

    I would tend to agree with this. Especially if you just started a diet when you joined that eliminated a lot of processed foods that have a lot of salt. You could easily drop 5 pounds or more of just water that your body has retained by cutting down your daily salt intake.
  • bran26ju
    bran26ju Posts: 30 Member
    I rarely eat carbs or very few. Before this diet I would eat alot of bread and starchy foods now I hardly have any. The last piece of bread was saturday and sunday when my husband made my breakfast. I do love avocado will pick one up and have a slice or 2 with my meal as my "fat" I did buy a 64% less cal margarine but haven't yet tried it since I haven't made anything needing the margarine. Eat alot of fresh veggies and fruit.
    Typically the heavier you are the more you will lose the first couple of weeks because it's such a drastic change and most of it is water weight. It should level off in a few more weeks...

    This. And you should be limiting carb intake not fats. Good fats as mentioned and keep away from any that are solid at room temp (i.e.: butter, margarine, cream cheese, etc.). Carbohydrates should come from low GI sources such as oatmeal, barley, quinoa, yams, sweet potatoes, brown rice, beans and legumes. Keep overall well being in mind too, not just the number on a scale.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    No, just go with it. It will slow down so take advantage of the first few weeks/months. Most of the first week is water weight just from cleaning up your eating.

    Agreed with the fats. You must have those amino acids. If you limit anything it should be carbs as that is the only macro that is optional. Fats and protein your body must have. Margarine is all chemicals, you are better off with butter or coconut oil. If you flip over food and the ingredient list is more then a handful, put it back, you do not need it.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    The only salt product I eat everyday is mr noodle soup. I know it is garbage food with no value but since I don't have anything else with salt it is my "treat"

    If you eat anything out of a box or a jar and most frozen foods, then you eat more then your share of sodium. All these are big on sodium:
    Meat (especially luncheon meat, hotdogs, bacon, etc. but all meat has sodium)
    Canned foods
    Frozen meals

    Most people do not go over their sodium from using the salt shaker. They go over from eat the above. Note that even fruits and veggies have sodium (most fruit not so much).
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    I lost fast at first, and then it slowed down. you are doing fine!
  • whipa494
    whipa494 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't know if you're loosing too fast, but it sounds like you're losing just fine.

  • smokinjackd
    I didn't have as much to lose but dropped 20 pounds in the first month just from diet change and exercise, then my weightloss stabilized. I wouldn't worry about it, if you are eating healthy an feeling healthy just keep on what you are doing, it's a marathon not a sprint.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I rarely eat carbs or very few. Before this diet I would eat alot of bread and starchy foods now I hardly have any. The last piece of bread was saturday and sunday when my husband made my breakfast. I do love avocado will pick one up and have a slice or 2 with my meal as my "fat" I did buy a 64% less cal margarine but haven't yet tried it since I haven't made anything needing the margarine. Eat alot of fresh veggies and fruit.
    I know someone already said this above, but bread DOES have a lot of salt. It's not just your Mr. Noodles.

  • bran26ju
    bran26ju Posts: 30 Member
    I don't eat alot of bread will read the article and see what it says. I have increased my exercise from nothing to doing 30 minutes a day or more and eating right.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    30 minutes day of exercise does a ton of help. Just keep on doing what your doing when you hit a wall change it up then.

    Just make sure you get atleast 10 cups of water a day.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I joined a week ago and have 136 lbs to loose. Tonight I weighed myself and I am down 13 lbs. I exercise 30 minutes a day I stay under my daily intake. I eat healthy and my fat content I keep 3 grams and under. Is it suspose to come off this fast when you are over 100 lbs overweight or will it eventually slow down? I am enjoying this plan so easy and I am not hungry feel satisfied. I don't have any sugar but if I do it isn't alot just enough to satisfy the craving. Anxious to hear what everyone things and do I need to add anything or take things away. Seems this is alot of a loss yet I am not hungry on this so I don't know.

    The first couple of lbs drop off fast when you make a drastic change to your diet. I lost 15 lbs or so in like 11 days ... Don't complain about it or worry about it.

    Now when you are bigger it also takes more energy (as in more calories burned) to do the exact same thing or lift the exact same weight or do the exact same anything ...as say someone who only has 20 lbs to lose.

    Welcome to MFP !!! Wish you luck on your lifestyle change