Thank you to everyone here!

I've been reading and not posting. The food and nutrition information and advice here has been great.

Just had dinner. Half a pound of shrimp sauteed with onion, basil, sage, wine, paprika, and lemon. Plus a bowl of mashed cauliflower with brown gravy. 448 calories total.

I have eaten well today, I'm stuffed, and am at 1100 calories for the day. I could eat an entire cantaloupe tonight and still be 300 calories under for the day! (I won't, but I COULD)

For 25 years, I was very active with a very physical job. Got hurt, couldn't do what I used to, and went to an office job. You can figure what happened after 40 years of being able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, as much as I wanted it. I had no self control, and had to get FAT before the scales fell from my eyes.

I'm a very good cook, but never learned how to cook healthy. You guys' help has helped me figure out how to make *really* good and filling meals, with few calories.