Calorie level, Weight loss and P90

Hi All,

I would really appreciate some advice/constructive criticism about my current health regime and eating habits.

My stats are as follows

Gender: F
Age: 28
Height: 5ft 4in
Weight: 150lb
Target weight: 140lb
Target gross calories: 1650
Target net calories: 1250

I am now 10lb to goal and have been for about a year. As I wanted to shift those last few lb and tone up following my loss so far I started Beachbody's P90. I am now on level 2/3 and 40 days in, so almost half way.

I have read that you burn approx 500 calories for the cardio and 350 for the sculpting routines, 6 days a week. I bought a heart rate monitor and although I am busting a gut on these routines I never break 250 calories, even on the cardio. So I'm starting to wonder if it's working properly... :( Could the fact that I have a low resting heart rate make any difference? (68)?

I believe I eat pretty well, maybe 80% of the time, and although my body shape has changed loads since starting P90 (I took day 1 and day 30 photos) I haven't lost any weight in that time. Although I know muscle weighs more than fat, I would like to see SOME movement on the scales, if just for my own sanity.

So I guess my questions are:
Am I eating enough calories considering the intensity of the exercise I'm doing?
Am I eating too many calories?
Should I continue as I am and hope that once my muscle build stops the weight will start dropping?
Does it sound like my HRM is working?

Thanks so much for the input!


  • Mels707
    Mels707 Posts: 101
    If you are losing inches then you are most likely at the proper calorie level.

    For the exercise you are doing, I don't think 250 sounds unreasonable. Women burn fewer calories than men. Also, the fitter you are, the fewer calories you will burn.

    Honestly, it sounds as if you are dong well. Would you rather lose pounds but look the same, or lose inches and look smaller? One thing that has been helpful to me in getting over scale issues is visiting the My Body Gallery website. You can see how different a scale weight can look on different people.
  • jencooks
    jencooks Posts: 62 Member
    My stats are really similar to yours. I'm F/35/5'5/147 starting weight. I am also doing power 90 and I'm on day 27. I have lost 6 pounds so far, but haven't measured inches .I think you are probably eating about the right amount of calories, but if you want to check, I would read this thread and try the calculations . I upped my base calories from 1300 to 1450 and I eat ALL of my exercise cals. back. I always put the exercise in the database as circuit training and adjust the time for the video I have done. I am on level 1/2 and it estimates 259 and 341 calories burned. hope this helps and feel free to add me if you want a p90 friend.
  • twosteps
    twosteps Posts: 39
    Thanks Mel. I looked at the My Body Gallery website and the different shapes at my height and weight are insane, I can see what you were getting at. I'll try and come to terms with the scales not moving for now, I'm just so scared of regaining!

    I'll do those calcs and check my calorie level tonight, thanks for the link Jen. Good to hear from someone else doing P90! My boyfriend and I say we're going to 'visit Uncle Tony' every time we do our workout, haha! :D
  • twosteps
    twosteps Posts: 39
    So I did the "In Place of a Road Map" and I'm supposed to be on 2,289 calories!!! That scares the bejeezus out of me. Does this really work? Especially considering that MFP says I'm now -260 calories in deficit and due to put on 0.5lb per week!

    *sits in the corner gnawing her fingers*