
Okay so me and my mom started this together the goal to lose weight. But recently she stopped dieting and going to the gym and opted out for alli and counting her calories.. Has this worked for anybody? Share your stories please the pills pretty expensive I just hope even tho sh can't hit the gym she still manages to lose some weight..


  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    I've never personally tried Alli, but I have a friend who has. It has some pretty nasty effects if you eat too much oil and fat... like, I wouldn't count on that pressure you feel down there just being gas, kind of effects.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Yea you hit it on the nail but she saids it helps her to not eat bad stuff because if she does she has to deal with the aftermath it's like a buzzer that shocks u ever time u make the wrong move.. Idk if I could do that tho then again my moms creepin onto age 50 her momentum is almost zero add that plus divorce yea.. I just wanna support her❤
  • ohmyshysamantha
    ohmyshysamantha Posts: 138 Member
    Alli is actually one of the few diet pills I have never tried. I have heard horrible things about the side effects though. My doctor told me to take dexatrim commplex 7 and it works wonderfully for me, but if Alli is working for your mom then thats awesome!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I could go on and on about the bad things about Alli. However, the basis of it is that if you eat too much fat, the pill blocks your body's ability to absorb that fat. Well, it has to come out somehow and it basically just slides right through, bringing an "oily discharge" with it. I've heard that the package insert recommends carrying an extra change of clothing for accidents. Sometimes it will literally come out without any gas, it just seeps. But, if you're very good about your diet, this doesn't happen. So, it's kind of good behavior by threat of horrible side effects. But I would never want the risks!! How embarrassing!! Exercise is still needed and I believe encouraged with Alli. So Alli alone isn't going to make lasting results.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Yeah, the GI thing is a little gross. I've heard stories about "leakage" and having to go home and clean yourself in the middle of the day. This occurs when you get off track with your eating. It worked for a friend of mine; she lost a lot of weight while on it, but that's because taking it FORCES you to eat right. Why not just eat right? Whatever works I guess.... whatever keeps a person on track. Sometimes we need that little bit of extra motivation or push. Good luck to your mother and to you.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Yeah, the GI thing is a little gross. I've heard stories about "leakage" and having to go home and clean yourself in the middle of the day. This occurs when you get off track with your eating. It worked for a friend of mine; she lost a lot of weight while on it, but that's because taking it FORCES you to eat right. Why not just eat right? Whatever works I guess.... whatever keeps a person on track. Sometimes we need that little bit of extra motivation or push. Good luck to your mother and to you.

    Thank you and my aunt actually recommended it she lost a lot of weight as well like over a 100 lbs using alli. She has deff cut back her eating tho, I'm proud of her whatever route she takes really❤❤ we're a family of people who seriously do not look well over weight it just doesn't sit well on our petite bodies. Either way a success story or two would've been nice lol but if it works for her I will deff post about it for anyone who does need a form of motivation .
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Fat does not make you fat. There is no need to buy a fatblocker. I know many people with horror stories.

    Just watch what you eat. This will do nothing but make you scared to eat food that your body must have. Carbs are optional, fats and protein are not. Your body must have those amino acids.
  • PhillyDerbyDoll
    I tried Alli a couple years ago and, without thinking had a spoon of peanut butter while in my office (kept a jar in my desk drawer) - without warning (and gross alert!!) - I had to go....there was no way I could make it to the bathroom, it happens that fast....long story short - it was me and my office trashcan and xerox paper.....and tears...and praying to make it stop...for like 10 minutes straight. Thank God no one walked in..,and thank goodness I wasn't on the bus or in a store, etc.......but it was a HORRIBLE incident (that I look back on now and laugh my *kitten* off about), but they're not kidding when they say "leakage" and uncontrollable, unstoppable, and without warning accidents can happen. Before that, I was doing well, really watching what I was popping in my mouth, with minimal side effects - but that one time, I just mindlessly ate a spoon of peanut butter, scared me straight!! Haven't touched Alli since and I wouldn't - unless I was home and sitting in a pool of kitty litter 24/7!!!
  • ktbollman
    ktbollman Posts: 32 Member
    So, if Alli forces you to eat healthy to avoid the nasty side effects, what's the point of taking alli? Would there be any fat to block if you're eating well? If you're eating healthy and on alli, i would think the weight you're losing is because of the better food choices, not because of alli...which then makes me think you shouldn't even spend the money on allie. HAHAHA. Or maybe I am thinking too much...

    I've taken Alli and yeah, the side effects are the bessssssst ever. Not.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I could go on and on about the bad things about Alli. However, the basis of it is that if you eat too much fat, the pill blocks your body's ability to absorb that fat. Well, it has to come out somehow and it basically just slides right through, bringing an "oily discharge" with it. I've heard that the package insert recommends carrying an extra change of clothing for accidents. Sometimes it will literally come out without any gas, it just seeps. But, if you're very good about your diet, this doesn't happen. So, it's kind of good behavior by threat of horrible side effects. But I would never want the risks!! How embarrassing!! Exercise is still needed and I believe encouraged with Alli. So Alli alone isn't going to make lasting results.

    OMG!! If I read that, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Holy Cow!

    But, it would be a way to keep me in check to make sure I eat healthy. No thank you.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    Pills like Alli don't really do anything good for you. You can lose weight with healthy eating and exercise while counting calories. It won't oomph or "jump start" your metabolism. They cause a lot of risky health issues, such as seizures. You're better off not using any pills if you want to be healthy.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I could go on and on about the bad things about Alli. However, the basis of it is that if you eat too much fat, the pill blocks your body's ability to absorb that fat. Well, it has to come out somehow and it basically just slides right through, bringing an "oily discharge" with it. I've heard that the package insert recommends carrying an extra change of clothing for accidents. Sometimes it will literally come out without any gas, it just seeps. But, if you're very good about your diet, this doesn't happen. So, it's kind of good behavior by threat of horrible side effects. But I would never want the risks!! How embarrassing!! Exercise is still needed and I believe encouraged with Alli. So Alli alone isn't going to make lasting results.

    Not to mention, fat does not make you fat. Too many calories than you need will make you fat.
  • proudarmywife06
    proudarmywife06 Posts: 213 Member
    I tried Alli before and I did lose some weight but it will def make you eat right. If you eat anything with the tiniest bit of fat it makes you have the runs and its greasey yellow and stains to toilet. TMI I know but just letting you know how it works lol. I stopped taking it after 4 weeks b/c it was hard to cut out all fats and in all honesty you need some fat in your diet. If you or her dont mind the constant bathroom trips then go ahead. I lost 10lbs from it. I'm taking Adipex now which is a prescription from the doctor and its curves my appetite and gives me much needed energy and I lost 20lbs in 3 weeks with it last time. If you or your mom doesnt have any heart problems and are otherwise healthy I wouldnt strongly suggest checking into it. :)