Liquid meal supplements

Hello all,

My friend lost 12 lbs the first week and 7 the next. She is drinking a protein meal replacement drink for two of her three meals a day. AND she takes Phendenrine. Not sure I want to do that, but I can't anyway as I am allergic to soy, whey and lactose which are additives in most drinks. Anyone know of a protein drink that doesn't contain a ton of artificial stuff and the above?


  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    how about losing weight without a fad technique....unless you plan to drink your meals the rest of your life, heck if you want to make it easy to follow go get your teeth removed then you have no choice but to stay on your fad

    real weight loss is possible, healthy and easy the thing its not is fast you want to rush find a new hobby
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    I understand what Savageman69 is saying and most of what he says is true. However, he was quite rude. We are not all like this, Ubbergirl.

    In regards to your questions, I have done a little research as I cant take whey or soy products either. The answer is no there is no shakes that we can have. There are some really good posts regarding the best and healthy ways to loose weight. Have a look, you may find another way.

    My way is simply eating healthy and good foods within my calorie allowance and then combining it with exercise. Its slow but I believe its more about a whole lifestyle change than quick fixes. After all, I did not put on the weight overnight.

    Good luck.
  • shirley_beans
    shirley_beans Posts: 65 Member
    Personally, I don't believe in liquid meal supplements. Unless you want to drink your meals for the rest of your life, this isn't a sustainable weight loss method. Plus, when you're drinking you're meals you're missing out on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. Just eat a whole foods, plant based diet and count your calories. The weight will come off, and you'll be learning new habits that means the weight will stay off.
  • Ubbergirl
    I am 51 years old. I exercise 5-6 times a week and eat ONLY organic and clean. Nothing packaged, no additives. I enjoy juice drinks made of kale, spinach, cucumber etc. I NEVER and I mean NEVER eat fast food. I've had hypothyroid for over 20 years. I recently saw the same doctor (MD not Quack) approved/recommended dietician my friend sees, (we work together and have the same insurance) and after looking at my food journal all she could recommend was Alli, Phendrine or Optifast meal replacements to "jump start" my weight loss. I have kept of 38 lbs for 7 years but can't seem to lose any more and need at least 40 more to be at my ideal weight. I don't believe in meal replacement drinks either, but no matter how hard I try or how hard I work out I can actually gain up to 6 lbs overnight after an extreme workout. I have had 3 personal trainers. I know how to exercise. I LOVE exercise and have done several 5K's and have an obstacle course 5K coming up. I just wonder if there isn't something to a "jump start" idea. I agree, I don't want to have to drink my meals forever, but I've been exercising and have made a lifestyle committment which has been ongoing since 2004. My blood numbers are awesome, I only take meds for thyroid disease but am at 5'10 217 considered 31% BMI and therefore obese. I don't live in denial and understand what behaviors lead me to being fat. But, I think after 7 years, my metabolism should be taking care of the remaining weight loss. Just posting looking for ideas.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Protein drinks are a great way to aid your diet and give your mouth a rest from eating so much protein lol. I ate about 2 lbs of chicken a day almost and I have made great progress doing that. About 100 grams of my diet comes from protein drink while the rest of the 230 grams comes from foods.
  • Ubbergirl
    I like that you refer to weight loss as easy. First, you're male. Second, you're young. Third, you've had no children. Fourth, you'll never go thru menopause. There I said it. It's not easy. But I'm so happy it is for you.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Yep - most of them have a bunch of chemicals and artificial sweeteners. I don't think it's a good idea to use them on a regular basis since the best way to lose weight is to change your lifestyle and eating habits, and having shakes for meals isn't really sustainable for the long term.

    BUT - they are quick and easy, and portable. I don't do it on a regular basis, but sometimes I'll drink one of the Special K protein drinks for breakfast along with a piece of fruit, and every once in a while use it as a re-fuel after a workout.