help me get rid of my sweet tooth!!!



  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Simple stop eating sugary things.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    OK, since you are young and live at home you will have to focus on your goal and use total will power to achieve them. Your family does not have to be committed to your goals or walking your Journey. Align Yourself with PURPOSEFUL Goals( Wellness, Excellent Health...) and you should be ok.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Recently, whenever I'm craving something sweet, I buy grapes, berries, dried fruit in place of dessert foods. It might be something to think about keeping around, for situations like this.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    I would say don't try to get rid of them and avoid them but rather establish a healthy relationship with them.

    I've almost lost 60 lbs on MFP (and about 75 from my highest), and I've never given up ice cream. There is artic zero (which is a watered down ice cream, but it serves its purpose for 150 calories for an entire pint) there is fudge-scicles that are sugar free and only 40 calories a piece. I also like weight watcher ice cream, diana's chocolate covered bananas (130 calories - so good!), and skinny cow.

    It is possible to lose and not avoid them or feel guilt over them.

    EDIT: haha just realized by profile pic is me with ice cream. It is soft serve at Mcdonalds for 150-170 calories, and sometimes I stop by and get one. So good haha.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    "help me get rid of my sweet tooth!!!"

    does this help?

  • MistysMom18
    Having Type 2 diabetes means I simply cannot give in to the ice cream cravings or else it increases my chances of diabetic complications.

    I find that having a small amount of dark chocolate everyday helps me control the sweet cravings and temptations on a daily basis. I allow myself a yummy dessert just once a week. Knowing that on the weekend I can have a nice dessert helps get me through the week.

    There are so many temptations out there, it is very hard. I just tell myself, its not that you can't have it, you can, but do you really want to? Is it worth it?

    I use fitness pal a little differently, in that even if I am below my daily calories, it doesn't mean I can splash out on a piece of cake or ice cream, for me the sugar is a no no. I reduce my daily carb and sugar intake altogether, I don't count calories.
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    I'm not going to say anything as brain-dead as 'simple, stop eating sugary things'. I will say, however-Skinny Cow! Their low cal ice creams are great, and theres a lot of variety. Also, Oikos frozen yogurt is pretty low cal and REALLY good. Even the vanilla-i bought it so i could use some in a recipe, but its great on its own, and this is coming from someone who doesnt like plain vanilla anything. They have some other flavors too.

    Coconut milk ice cream is good too.

    Ive tried the whole 'dont eat sweets and you'll lose the cravings!'. It doesnt work for me. However, i dont think that sugar is evil or horrible, and sweets arent 'bad' and to be avoided. There are plenty of ways to work sweets into a healthy diet. I save at least 200 calories a day for dessert so i can have some sugar free dark chocolate Jello pudding (sooo good), or local ice cream, ect ect. Why deprive myself? Theres amiddle ground between never eating sweets and thinking theyre bad, and binging on a pint of Ben and Jerrys nightly (which i used to do). You can find that middle ground :)
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    You don't have to give it up.
    See the little cone on the right? You can overstuff that with 1/4 cup of ice cream, or fill it normally with 1/5 cup. It's just enough of a taste to keep you satisfied, and I have yet to find an ice cream flavor that sets me back over 100 calories for this tiny treat.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I haven't had anything properly sweet since I started and to be honest I don't crave them things anymore. If I have something that's even a little sweet now it makes my lips do that pouty thing... I appreciate it may not be a case of cut them out so here's a few things that've helped me:

    Walls - Mini Milks (30 cals)
    Walls - Mini Twister (45 cals)
    Options Hot Chocolate (35 - 45 cals)
    Special K bars (80 - 100 cals)
    Greek Yoghurt with lemon curd or maple syrup
    Dried fruits

    Good luck - If I were going to have an off day I wouldn't waste myself on ice cream!!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I often joke with my best friend telling her I wish there were a surgery for taste bud removal, LOL. It's hard to resist sometimes but try time you wanna eat something bad, eat it in front of a mirror....naked. Bet you won't eat it then!
  • sodaisy
    sodaisy Posts: 69
    I don't give up anything, I'm still eating cake, chocolate and oero cookies, I just go for a run on the day if I have my treats (seems to be most days). good luck!
  • smelons
    smelons Posts: 450 Member
    Skinny Cow products may be low in fat and calories, but they're not in low in sugar, which seems to defeat the object here. Unfortunately, the only way you can 'cure' yourself of your sweet tooth is with willpower. I literally stopped eating all sugary foods 2 1/2 years ago and it was incredibly hard. I've only just started introducing fruit back into my diet. Now, I find everything incredibly sweet, so never feel the need to add anything sweet to recipes. Saying that, I've never stopped having the sweet cravings - they're just nowhere near as strong as they used to be. Try cutting down your sugar consumption gradually each week. I don't know if you're monitoring it on your food diary, but you can keep an eye on how much you're consuming each day.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    I love ice cream. I finish almost every meal with it.

    However, i subsitute for this:

    Which is super low cal and has fiber etc

    Or recently have began with this:

    Which you can also get in take-home packs. I love it because its full of probititics and my tummy is VERY Happy when i eat it!!!!
  • Corjogo
    Corjogo Posts: 201 Member
    Ice cream is my downfall!! I didn't eat any for about a year, but now that my weight has kind of stabilized and the hot, humid,summer is causing flashbacks to that cold creamy delight I find that Golden Spoon yogurt is a marvelous substitute. They have lots of flavors and yes some are low fat. Calories are listed on their website. Our local store has an extra stamp for each dish purchased on Tuesday. This incentive makes it a once a week indulgence of less than 150 calories. Works for me. Good luck and have a plan even if you eat the real stuff. (ie take a walk while the family does their thing.)
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    blue diamond has 100 calorie packs of dark chocolate sprinkled almonds. They curb my craving for sweet and salty at the same time and are good for me.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I don't give up anything, I'm still eating cake, chocolate and oero cookies, I just go for a run on the day if I have my treats (seems to be most days). good luck!

    this is what I do too. I have a son who loves to bake. He knows he bakes on the days I walk and I only have a sliver of a taste of whatever it is..but I'm going to allow myself to have it.
  • kclarkss
    kclarkss Posts: 69 Member
    I have a bad sweet tooth and I don't like so called healthy food.

    I have learned that I still can ease that craving. I will have just a bite. Or just a little bit of it. I try to share desserts. And I really try to remember how awful it feels afterwards if I ate that sweet thing.

    Make sure you put in some kind of exercise that day if you are going to indulge.

    I don't want to cut sweets out all together or else I will never be able to live with that kindof lifestyle.
  • bodyzen
    bodyzen Posts: 122 Member
    Best thing (in my experience) to curb a sugar craving? Nature's sugar! Try smoothies of ripe (meaning with spots) bananas (3-6 or so depending on if its a meal or snack) and add a few pitted dates for sweet taste and natural glucose! You can add cinnamon for some extra jazz too!
    Also, banana ice cream! Best thing I have ever discovered! Use a few slightly thawed bananas in a food processor and you've got yourself a delicious, guilt-free treat! :)
  • Jeeplette
    I have to say that I am typically an all or none type of person...except when it comes to sweets/sugary things. Now days, I just use all the willpower I can gather to completely avoid it. If I have a weak moment, I will totally enjoy it (in small quantities, of course) and not beat myself up over it. Now, I can actually enjoy just 2 or 3 Oreos instead of 18 (true story!!).

    You can do it! *high five*