A lonnnng way to go.

So, I have 138 pounds to lose. I'm not sure what date I should set this goal. I know I should lose 2-3 pounds a week, but this past week I've lost 10? All I have done is eat my suggested calories and work out 45 minutes a day. I don't want to lose that much that fast because I'm afraid it will come back on as fast as it comes off. What do you think a good goal date would be??


  • tubbytabbytales
    Keep in mind, that the first few weeks you'll drop fast, because of water weight! It won't always be that way. <3
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    I lost 16 pounds the first week I started losing weight. It's normal in the beginning. I set manageable goals, and have made everyone so far. You could base your goals on 2-3 pounds a week for now, but it will slowly go down once you have less weight to lose. You could do something like 30 pounds every three months to give yourself little goals to reach. Once you reach a goal it'll feel good and will encourage you to go on. THis is all based on how your body reacts to exercise and such. I found out I had to eat all of my exercise calories to lose 1 pound a week, while others don't have to eat any. Right now I am set at losing 1 pound a week and I almost always hit it.

    Good luck with your weight loss, I know you can do it!!
  • tubbytabbytales
    In my opinion, I wouldn't set a goal for your one main weight loss, because it will start to feel so far off, like you'll never accomplish it. Set mini-goals. You know?
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    It's common to lose a little more in the beginning- mostly water weight. If you lose 2 pounds/ week (the highest MFP will allow), you should reach your goal in about a year and a half give or take (if my math is correct). :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have lots too loose too...like others i lost more that 1st week or 2. I had a total of 160 lbs and when I think it like that it is a bit overhelming to me. So i set mini goals and milestones for me....LIke i have little goals from now till my day which i want to loose 50..only like 1/3 of what I want to loose, but once i get there, i will set new little goals. Once I hit a goal (even if the date I set is off) makes me feel accomplished.
  • KirstenDanella1
    This all makes sense. I remember after I had my baby in September I lost 33 pounds in 2 weeks from water weight due to Toxemia! That was a strange feeling. I'm worried about the skin issue. I talked to my doctor about it ( he actually suggested I use this site) and he said with my age, if I lost the normal amount of weight a week my skin shouldn't be a issue because of the elasticity of younger skin. I hope this is true. I've been skinny, and heavier, I just want to be healthier.