Hello :)

heth120 Posts: 32 Member
Hi everyone,
My name is Heather, a 44 year old British mum of 3 with 70lb to lose. Having tried (and failed at) many diets, I have finally decided that enough is enough and I need to tackle my weight (and lack of exercise) properly! I have started to exercise every day (only 30 minutes but its a start) and log my food honestly (instead of 'forgetting' to add those extra little treats like wine) and am hoping this time to make a real go of it. Hope you all achieve your personal goals - my first one is get below 200 :D. Good luck!!


  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey. I joined MFP in January to lose a coupel of stone and by logging my food intake managed to hit my target relatively quickly.

    if you want support and encouragment feel free to add me.