


  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Also, my doctor told me that the IUD's and rings generally tend to lean more towards weight gain as a symptom. Others may have a differing opinion. I've done really well on the lower-hormone versions (right now I'm on LoEstrin 24, before i was on Ortho Tricyclin and that was good too, just expensive). Both my best friend and I had a lot of problems with Yasmin; gained about 10 lbs and felt like I had Mono. What's important on that one is you find one that best works for you; if what you have now works for you hormone/energy-wise, I wouldn't lean towards changing that as a first response.

    Well...if I did break down and do the IUD, I'd do the copper one, not a hormone one...I'm just so afraid of having something in there....not to be graphic :(

    If you're having "female" issues when not on BC, DO NOT do the copper one. It can make it much worse. I think your best bet is to try a different pill, really.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Also, my doctor told me that the IUD's and rings generally tend to lean more towards weight gain as a symptom. Others may have a differing opinion. I've done really well on the lower-hormone versions (right now I'm on LoEstrin 24, before i was on Ortho Tricyclin and that was good too, just expensive). Both my best friend and I had a lot of problems with Yasmin; gained about 10 lbs and felt like I had Mono. What's important on that one is you find one that best works for you; if what you have now works for you hormone/energy-wise, I wouldn't lean towards changing that as a first response.

    Well...if I did break down and do the IUD, I'd do the copper one, not a hormone one...I'm just so afraid of having something in there....not to be graphic :(

    If you're having "female" issues when not on BC, DO NOT do the copper one. It can make it much worse. I think your nest bet is to try a different pill, really.

    Yikes-thanks for the advance warning :( ... CURSE YOU, EVE!!!!!
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    The weight loss road is slow and bumpy. Don't focus so much on the scale. It's evil! I have seen so many testimonials for weight lifting on MFP and how immensely it changes your body. I'm going to do it. Maybe you should think about it, too. And ALWAYS finish logging your food. Do it the next day if you have to. It really helps to look back after a good week (or a bad one) and see what you ate. This is a lot of work, but you can do it!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    The weight loss road is slow and bumpy. Don't focus so much on the scale. It's evil! I have seen so many testimonials for weight lifting on MFP and how immensely it changes your body. I'm going to do it. Maybe you should think about it, too. And ALWAYS finish logging your food. Do it the next day if you have to. It really helps to look back after a good week (or a bad one) and see what you ate. This is a lot of work, but you can do it!

    I do tend to log less on the weekends...I am going to try to log every day this weekend even though it's a holiday.

    I am trying to find some routines to add weights back in...Especially for arms and back.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    So everyone else has given you some great advice about diet and sticking with it, definitely do these things. As far as birth control goes: I hit a plateau a couple of months ago. Then, due to a mail order mishap, my prescription didn't arrive on time and I had to skip a month of the pill. I dropped 3 pounds, went back on the pill the next month, and have been steadily losing since then. I think my hormones just needed a reset. I'm not saying you necessarily SHOULD do this, and if it hadn't been forced upon me I wouldn't have done it, but it might be something to talk to your doctor about if you don't see results in the next few months.
  • danarod23
    danarod23 Posts: 23 Member
    Try switching up your workouts and making sure your heart rate is in the right place to burn fat. I would get a heart rate monitor and also do your measurements. Switching up the workouts shocks your body, so see if that helps! Good luck!