Am I overdoing it?

So I'm doing Body Revolution - I'm not new to Jillian Michaels so weeks 1&2 were a breeze. I'm doing workouts 3&4 right now, and though they're very challenging, I definitely don't feel out of my league. I've been also doing cardio (but not Cardio 1 because it bores me..just the Turbo Jam 20 min workout) either in the mornings, or right after I finish JM.

Yesterday was just a cardio day, and the TJ workout is fairly easy - Still, I barely finished my 20 mins. I thought I'd do it twice over, but I was EXHAUSTED. I'd eaten well all day, but my body just gave out. I'm really confused as to why this is happening. I'm still tired this morning, and I might take the day off working out because I don't want to burn out.

I'm not sure what's going on - I had blood work done recently and I'm perfectly healthy. I'm about 20-25 lbs overweight. I've been using MFP to track calories and I net between 1200-1300 . Any insights as to why this is happening? Has anyone else faced a similar problem? Thanks.


  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    How are you sleeping, a lot of our recuperation happens while we are sleeping, if you aren't getting enough you aren't getting back to 100% before tearing yourself back down.
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    A lot of sleep, I know I need my 8 hours! and make sure you are drinking a ton of water to stay hydrated. Gatorade helps keep my energy up during a tough workout too.
  • I get enough sleep, for sure, but part of my symptoms are I am sleepy ALL THE TIME despite getting a solid night's sleep. Water, I am bad at drinking so maybe I should see if that helps...
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Do you take at least one rest day during the week? I always take at least one, but some days the body tells me it needs another because I'm sore or just feel worn out.

    You might need more fuel - 1200-1300 calories isn't a lot, but I don't know your stats & can't see your diary, so not sure what you're eating and how much you're burning in exercise per day. My rule for myself is to never net blow my BMR (around 1430)- I figure if my body burns that amount just laying in bed all day long, then I should give it AT LEAST that much if I'm up and moving around and exercising on top of that.

    Also make sure you're getting a good balance and hitting your targets for protein, carbs & good fats.

    Check out this thread - very helpful in getting those numbers all dialed in: