On weight loss plan for 32 days, I don't feel any different!

It's really frustrating me, and I just don't feel I've gained anything!

The scales are telling me I've lost a stone over the past 32 days. But I don't feel any fitter when exercising, or look it! None of my clothes feel any looser on me. I've just been taking measurements for the first time in the hope I'll see results in a month or so.

I have gone down to 1500 calories a day (before I started my weight loss plan, I'd say I was on around 2000+). I do cardio 3/4 times a week for 40-50 minutes.

Also realised I'm bigger than my clothes say. I've taken measurements using this diagram


and I have a 27" thigh, 43" hips and 45" waist. I wear 38" jeans which sit below my gut.

I didn't expect amazing results in 1 month, but I expected something :(


  • I'm only 2 weeks into a diet/exercise program, but I feel your pain. I've walked/jogged (working up to running) almost 20 miles this week and cut back to this sites recommended calories and I actually gained a pound this week. I'm going to give it a month and see how it goes, but I'm really frustrated right now. I also think that I'm not going to get on the scale again for a while because it's too frustrating. I will weigh myself in a couple/few weeks when I feel that I've been at it for a month. I also did measurements last week, but I won't do them again until closer to the middle/end of September.
  • Southernsass6885
    Southernsass6885 Posts: 100 Member
    I've been doing this for almost 3 months, and I just recently (2 weeks ago) started seeing results. It takes time. It takes work. It took two months for my meaurements to get smaller. Wait. Breathe, and keep at it. It's hard work, but it's worth it!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Hang in there! You are doing great! - 1 stone is 14lbs - that's more than 2lbs a week! On average you have lost a shade less than a half a pound a day! Many people loss a half pound a week!

    You are on the right track - just be patient - you didn't gain it all over night - it wont all disappear over night. Your rate of loss is sustainable over the long run.

    Time to add in strength training - to help tone and shape - you will see your shape change faster if you do heavy lifting.

    Check out Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5X5 or any of the New Rules of Lifting books
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    You have lost 14 pounds in just over a month that is a big step in the right direction. If you are pretty large then you may not see a change until you have lost another stone. BUT the weight is going down and that is the main thing.

    Also you would benefit from lifting some heavy weights as well as your cardio, Lifting will maintain your muscle mass and help tighten everything up. I believe it is the fastest way to change your body shape and composition.

    You are doing it right so keep at it, this is not a race, you will start to notice things after the next month if you keep up the good work you are doing now.:drinker:
  • thisisiamj
    thisisiamj Posts: 145 Member
    On the same boat... last weighed myself 3 weeks ago and I didn't see any results from my first weight in and I've been at this over a month. I figure I'm not gonna weigh myself until the two month mark. I figure, hey, exercising and eating right is not only for weight loss but also to be healthy --- it's a lifestyle change for a lifetime, so I try not to focus too much on what the scale says.
  • Do not get discouraged. Stick with it, you owe it to you. I myself have been working out daily for six weeks, taking one day off a week. Work outs are Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. Aim on week 6- I am not eating her food plan rather eating heathly and counting calories keeping with 1,200 and some days eating back my exercise calories. The weight loss is painfully slow and some weeks I gain. But I do not listen to the negative from my scale rather how great I feel and how much more energy I have to chase my two year old around. The negative talk that I would give myself when my scale was not budging did not help motivate me..I promised myself that I would be kind and continue to treat myself with respect..as I do to others making life changes. This keeps me going..from others on MFP the weight will eventually come off. Inches before pounds.. You are on track, it will happen. This is my mantra!