New to toning ... advice please (pics).

Edit - Awful maths. The caption on the pic should say 17lbs to go.

Hey all,

A bit of background info for you before I ask my question....

I've lost 24lbs in about 10 weeks.

SW: 181lbs
CW: 157lbs
GW: 140lbs

(I'm 5ft 10).

I've been cycling, doing cardio at the gym, and swimming occasionally. I eat 1200 cals, sometimes I eat back some of my exercise cals but not always - basically, if I'm hungry and I have cals left, I eat. If I'm not, then I don't.

I mostly eat very healthy, lots of veg, fruit, protein and fibre, and a I try to stay low on fat and carbs. I've cut out alcohol, and drink plenty of water.

Here's a couple of progress pics ... they're a bit close up, but they shows my big problem areas.



I'm past the half way mark now and can notice a real difference in my body shape/size, but I still feel very wobbly! I have another 17lbs to lose and expect some of this wobbly-ness to disappear as I get closer to my goal, but I expect that some time soon I'm going to have to start 'toning'. The problem is ... I hate toning! Sit ups, press ups, the plank ... I hate all of that stuff. I'm dreading it.

So I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone have any ideas on how I can tone without having to do to much of the things I don't enjoy? I've tried Jillian Michaels. Hate it. I've bought a medicine ball, gym ball, twist board, dumbbells... BORING!

Also, how long does toning take? How much effort will I have to put in? I'm not afraid of hard work, I wouldn't have lost 24lbs in 10 weeks if I was - it's just that I want to enjoy this, I don't want it to be a chore!

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Over and out.


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Sounds like you're bored of the "girly" stuff. I would be too.

    Time to try heavy lifting, which is the best for reshaping your body. Pick up New Rules of Lifting for Women and hit the gym hard. You'll be a rock in no time. You don't have to cut out everything...just use moderation.
  • LisAllum
    LisAllum Posts: 55
  • MoveTheMountain
    Sounds like you're bored of the "girly" stuff. I would be too.

    Time to try heavy lifting, which is the best for reshaping your body. Pick up New Rules of Lifting for Women and hit the gym hard. You'll be a rock in no time. You don't have to cut out everything...just use moderation.

  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Sounds like you're bored of the "girly" stuff. I would be too.

    Time to try heavy lifting, which is the best for reshaping your body. Pick up New Rules of Lifting for Women and hit the gym hard. You'll be a rock in no time. You don't have to cut out everything...just use moderation.


    Agreed. Check this
  • newyorklover91
    newyorklover91 Posts: 77 Member
    You look fantastic! I added you as a friend :) I'd love to know more
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    You lift weights for better "muscle conditioning" (toning is the incorrect terminology for muscle conditioning). If it's boring, most of the time it's because you're counting reps, so instead, do it for a time limit (like 30 seconds or so) without counting reps. Catch your breath real quick and then move on to another exercise and repeat. Circuit style training may be more what you want. But make sure that the resistance is tough. If it's too light, then you're building muscle endurance and that doesn't quite work on the way your muscles look like heavier lifting does.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • adamecks
    adamecks Posts: 3 Member
    Aside from the obvious that you need to do some type of resistance training to develop muscles, is there any reason why you are willingfully causing numerous issues (with hormones, cognitive function, etc) by restricting fat? You need fat in your diet. Stating "low fat" as an example on how your diet is "healthy" is a pretty clear sign that you lack understanding of proper nutrition. The fact that you want to build muscle ("tone") while avoiding resistance is another matter.

    There is lots of info out there from reutable sources. Time to do some reading.
  • CoachDreesTraining
    CoachDreesTraining Posts: 223 Member
    Your calories are pretty low. I would suggest increasing your calories and definitely suggest adding resistance training. The lack of calories and resistance training has to be really slowing down your metabolism. Another important thing to consider is when the body is starved it will metabolize muscle before fat.

    Add in resistance training 2-3 times a week, keep reps under 12, and challenge yourself.

    Put away the scale and go by how you look and feel, not by some goal weight you think will make you happy.