kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, ladies!! We did this for a little while back when we first started the JS. I would really like to see us do it again. I think discouragement is one of our WORST enemies in this journey to a healthy new US. So, every Friday, I would like to see us post something that we have been successful at during the week. It doesn't matter what it is... Something that you are proud of! Whether it is getting in your workouts every day, resisting the chocolate cake that was left over, skipping seconds...... it doesn't matter. If it is a success to you, we want to celebrate with you... Its encouraging!! It will keep you encouraged to find something that you overcome or accomplished and it will also encourage someone else who may be struggling with the same thing....
So, we will title our post "June Starters ~ Celebrate Friday" and post it every Friday... Let's brag :wink:


  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Ok, I'll start :)
    You guys know that I have been struggling with my Coke addicting :laugh: The Coca~Cola kind of Coke....
    Anyway, I gave them up a while back and much to my disappointment, I started drinking them again... Not the 2 to 3 coke a day extent that I was, but I was drinking 1 a day...not good...

    ANYWAY, for the past three days this week, I have not had one!!! I was proud of myself for giving them up...again. :tongue: Baby steps... I can kick this habit! :drinker:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Yay on the no Coke thing! It can be really hard...I love a good carbonation burn :) I just started carrying around a nalgene water bottle around, literally everywhere I go, even to the grocery store and to friend's houses. That way I am constantly reminded that I should be drinking my water instead of anything else.

    My success for the week would be going to the college gym last night. I haven't been in forever, and I really don't like going b/c there are so many people there. It has been cold, so I don't want to go run outside, so I have been slacking w/exercise. But, I went, and it was good. A mini success! I hope to keep it up; it makes me feel so good!

    PS- Kandy, you still wanna do C25K? I think we are the only ones....
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Me too I had quit the diet coke habit for a while ... and I'm now a one can a day kind of gal ... but hey ... I'll conquer that another time. For now? Hmm ... let me see ... I too am proud that I went to the gym a few times this week ... even though all I really wanted to do was go to sleep. I'm also proud that today is my 1 year anniversary of beeing smoke free!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Awesome on getting some gym time in, ladies!!! And, Maggs!!! Congrats!!! on your year being smoke-free!!

    I hope next Friday, more of our girls will be on here celebrating Friday with us :smile: :heart:
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