Best way to tone "bat wings"?



    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    Overhead tricedp extensions have worked for me, so have chair dips, LOOOOOVE me some'll find what works for you, PROMISE!!!
  • Tkichler
    Tkichler Posts: 26 Member
    My trainer at the Y told me to do pushups with your hands as close together as possible. Not easy, but not horrible either. He also showed me using a dumbell, hold it with both hands above your head, elbows right at the side of your face and lower the weight down and back up.

    Hope that helps. and good luck! Stupid batwings!!!
  • taylorblues
    taylorblues Posts: 49 Member

    I have the same problem and don't have the cash for a personal trainer........interested to read advice.

    Thanks for posting.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Anyone have any suggestions for how to tone up that flabby skin that hangs from your upper arm? I've lost quite a bit of weight already on a different program but they didn't emphasize exercise much and I failed to remember that I'm 5 years older than the last time I dropped this much weight... the old skin isn't bouncing back as quickly as it used to (I'm only 30 but those 5 years made a BIG difference).

    I can't afford a gym membership right now so exercises that utilize normal household items, hand weights or Wii Fit Plus would be most appreciated! Thanks for your help!

    I've lost over 60 pounds and have about 40 more to best tip for getting rid of bat wings? Lift heavy weights! Lifting has changed my life and I look better now than I did when I weighed 20 pounds arms are actually much smaller than ever! There are lots of great programs out there but I am currently liking of luck!
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I hate my wings. I've actually lost 104 lbs now and still have about 80 left to go. My arms (and lower belly) are really giving me fits. To the point where when I set my elbow down on my desk it pinches my arm fat because it rolls down over my elbow. I sure hope it gets better.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I've lost over 60 pounds and have about 40 more to best tip for getting rid of bat wings? Lift heavy weights! Lifting has changed my life and I look better now than I did when I weighed 20 pounds arms are actually much smaller than ever! There are lots of great programs out there but I am currently liking of luck!

    Heavier... hmmm... I have a 15 lb dog, does that count? :bigsmile: How heavy would you suggest?
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Rapid HJ's

    I'm not real good with acronyms... what's an "HJ"?
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Overhead tricedp extensions have worked for me, so have chair dips, LOOOOOVE me some'll find what works for you, PROMISE!!!

    How do Kettlebells work? I've heard of them but have no clue what they're used for or how...
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    this is subjective, but make sure you are hydrated... have read a lot of people say it helps the skin elasticity :) And I know from personal experience, since my arms are the MORE i do weight training, the better the skin looks... i think the muscle starts to fill in some of that empty ;)

    And again... TOTALLY subjective...but i have been wearing a bodybugg/gowearfit armband for over two years...even though that is my NON dominant arm...THAT arm is a bit over an INCH smaller...and the skin looks better on that side. I wear it about half way up my upper arm....people don't beleive me until i take off the band and make them look at my arms!!! So i bought an armband for my media player about the same width to wear( if i could remember more. lol) on the other arm... I wear the bodybugg 24/7 other then in the shower.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Rapid HJ's

    I'm not real good with acronyms... what's an "HJ"?

    If it is what I think it don't want to know :tongue:
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Rapid HJ's

    I'm not real good with acronyms... what's an "HJ"?

    If it is what I think it don't want to know :tongue:

    :laugh: Ahhh yes, my husband made a joke about the "shake weight" from that South Park episode last night.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    this is subjective, but make sure you are hydrated... have read a lot of people say it helps the skin elasticity :) And I know from personal experience, since my arms are the MORE i do weight training, the better the skin looks... i think the muscle starts to fill in some of that empty ;)

    And again... TOTALLY subjective...but i have been wearing a bodybugg/gowearfit armband for over two years...even though that is my NON dominant arm...THAT arm is a bit over an INCH smaller...and the skin looks better on that side. I wear it about half way up my upper arm....people don't beleive me until i take off the band and make them look at my arms!!! So i bought an armband for my media player about the same width to wear( if i could remember more. lol) on the other arm... I wear the bodybugg 24/7 other then in the shower.

    Thanks.... I typically get 80+ ounces of water/day so hydration's not really an issue (reminds me I need to refill my bottle). I'm not really sure what the armband thing is that you mentioned, I'm guessing its something like FitBit or a pedometer type thing?
  • YoYo1951
    YoYo1951 Posts: 370
    bump to keep coming back to. Don't we all have batwings?
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    bump to keep coming back to. Don't we all have batwings?

    Unless mine can fly me out of my office for the afternoon, I'm not interested in keeping them. :tongue:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If you do a search in the posts and type in "bat wing exercises", you'll find quite a few posts on the subject :)

    "search in the posts"?!?!? Stop that crazy talk!! No such thing exists!!! Wait, there IS a search function on MFP? Then what the h....
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    If you do a search in the posts and type in "bat wing exercises", you'll find quite a few posts on the subject :)

    "search in the posts"?!?!? Stop that crazy talk!! No such thing exists!!! Wait, there IS a search function on MFP? Then what the h....

    Sarcasm is an incredibly unattractive trait.
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    Doin' the bat-wing bump!
  • tragicpixie
    I really like Tracey Anderson's "arms" routine. If you google search for video you can find some free stuff people have uploaded. I actually bought one of her videos after finding a few of her routines in Elle and some other magazines. I found the "crazy" arm movements actually toned my arms really nicely and were way more of a workout than I expected them to be.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I lay on the floor with my arms above my head on the floor. I take a 10 lb weight and grab both ends. I pull the weight up in front of my chest, do a press and then return it back to the floor. That is one. I do a hundred. It makes the muscle sore on the back of my arm (triceps maybe), I dont know if it really helps though. I like to think it is working :flowerforyou:
  • h2oophelia
    Bump for later. :)