Obesity: A Protected Class?



  • guapogringo
    My point is:

    If you want to be fat, that is your business, If you want to super size it, then that is your business and your right. There shouldn't be a limit to the amount of carbonated sugary beverages you can consume. Look, I understand that some people truly can't help it. I understand that some people suffer due to thyroid or other types of medical issues. I don't have a problem with this. I also don't have a problem with the person. It is the obese Gov assistance lifestyle I don't like. I also don't like when the Federal nanny comes in throwing MY money around to create another special interest group. If you are obese then that is fine! Just don't ask me to pay for your food(EBT), or your medical care, or give you special privileges on account of being big. If you are getting help from the central planners and you are big then you are infringing on my rights, my treasure and my time required to make such treasure. What? Are employees going to be required to hire a certain % of obese people now? Wow, cant wait for the next VS catalog to come out after that happens.

    Yeah, sorry if i am being critical(I must have struck a nerve) but I am sure plenty of those getting assistance surely found enough of their own money to get that new tattoo, or a new piercing, or a new iphone along with having the fridge stocked full of beer.
  • guapogringo
    Save The Whales!!!!!!! Just another sub group of lazy Americans. I am sick of all these special groups seeking special privileges or dispensation at the expense of the rest of us. If there is a problem, never fear....the general government will make it right. NOT! They will just make it worse. I would bet you a majority of these fat-*kitten* are buying their food with their government issued EBT card. Ever been on a plane next to one of these people? Keep your fat in your seat please and don't let it ooze over on me. Better yet, buy the whole row. Sorry to be mean or insensitive but when is it going to stop??

    I spy a white, overprivileged male.

    Honey, I was born with nothing and busted my little *kitten* for everything I have. Others should try it.
  • bellanena

    I'm obese. I have health issues, but I'm capable of changing. Regardless of if people can change or not. Obese people should not be a protected class. That's like saying people with blonde hair should be in a protected class.

    There are certain jobs that an obese person cannot do. And if you are applying for a job they will list a job description you will have to do. Ex. Lifting certain amounts of weight or standing on your feet all day, etc. It is not discrimination when you do not fit the job description.
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    When has someone faced persecution because of obesity? And I mean real persecution. When has an obese person been paid less for the same work than a non-obese person? When has an obese person been denied education because they are obese? When has someone been lynched or legally defined as 2/3 of a person because they are obese?

    Historically, being "mean" to someone should not be not grounds for protected status. Someone's whole living, inalienable rights to life, liberty and happiness should have been violated historically in order to warrant protection. "I'm fat and i can't fit in this seat" is not the same as "you're a woman, so you can't vote", you're black so we're going to lynch you, you're gay, so you can't marry."

    If we do allow obesity to become a protected class, we trivialize the true struggle other groups have gone through just to be viewed as an equal human being.
  • bellanena
    Why are we assuming that obese people are all on Food Stamps? LMAO! That is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard!

    I've busted my *kitten* for everything I have and live a pretty damn good life. Yep, I've gained weight along the way, because you cannot even possibly know what I've gone through in my life.

    Your opinions do not even make sense anymore. So do us a favor and get off the post.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Save The Whales!!!!!!! Just another sub group of lazy Americans. I am sick of all these special groups seeking special privileges or dispensation at the expense of the rest of us. If there is a problem, never fear....the general government will make it right. NOT! They will just make it worse. I would bet you a majority of these fat-*kitten* are buying their food with their government issued EBT card. Ever been on a plane next to one of these people? Keep your fat in your seat please and don't let it ooze over on me. Better yet, buy the whole row. Sorry to be mean or insensitive but when is it going to stop??

    I spy a white, overprivileged male.

    Honey, I was born with nothing and busted my little *kitten* for everything I have. Others should try it.

    Yes, but you were never denied the opportunity to attain everything you have either. No one ever looked at you and denied you the opportunity to succeed.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Do they protect anorexic people? If not, then no weight class should be protected.

    I could be wrong, but I think anorexia is a mental diagnosis... therefore, it would be protected. Right?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    My point is:

    If you want to be fat, that is your business, If you want to super size it, then that is your business and your right. There shouldn't be a limit to the amount of carbonated sugary beverages you can consume. Look, I understand that some people truly can't help it. I understand that some people suffer due to thyroid or other types of medical issues. I don't have a problem with this. I also don't have a problem with the person. It is the obese Gov assistance lifestyle I don't like. I also don't like when the Federal nanny comes in throwing MY money around to create another special interest group. If you are obese then that is fine! Just don't ask me to pay for your food(EBT), or your medical care, or give you special privileges on account of being big. If you are getting help from the central planners and you are big then you are infringing on my rights, my treasure and my time required to make such treasure. What? Are employees going to be required to hire a certain % of obese people now? Wow, cant wait for the next VS catalog to come out after that happens.

    Yeah, sorry if i am being critical(I must have struck a nerve) but I am sure plenty of those getting assistance surely found enough of their own money to get that new tattoo, or a new piercing, or a new iphone along with having the fridge stocked full of beer.

    I missed your first comment on the first page initially, so while I agree with you on this, I think the reason people were off-put was the choice of language in your first post, namely the "whales" comment.
  • weathergirl320
    My point is:

    If you want to be fat, that is your business, If you want to super size it, then that is your business and your right. There shouldn't be a limit to the amount of carbonated sugary beverages you can consume. Look, I understand that some people truly can't help it. I understand that some people suffer due to thyroid or other types of medical issues. I don't have a problem with this. I also don't have a problem with the person. It is the obese Gov assistance lifestyle I don't like. I also don't like when the Federal nanny comes in throwing MY money around to create another special interest group. If you are obese then that is fine! Just don't ask me to pay for your food(EBT), or your medical care, or give you special privileges on account of being big. If you are getting help from the central planners and you are big then you are infringing on my rights, my treasure and my time required to make such treasure. What? Are employees going to be required to hire a certain % of obese people now? Wow, cant wait for the next VS catalog to come out after that happens.

    Yeah, sorry if i am being critical(I must have struck a nerve) but I am sure plenty of those getting assistance surely found enough of their own money to get that new tattoo, or a new piercing, or a new iphone along with having the fridge stocked full of beer.

    completely agree with you. this whole over sensitive mentality comes from the over privileged whiners who cant pick themselves up by their bootstraps and make a change. you speak the truth and dont sugar coat it for the whiners. im sick of the whiners and selfish slobs destrying our society. you are right on. i have thyroid disease pcos celiac and managed to lose weight. i worked my butt off. its possible. and this doesnt always apply to weight. im sick of weakness being rewarded. you speak your mind and get chastised. guess what you exercised your right to free speech. right on.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I am also a HR professional, and I think it's terrible..but not a surprise. Guess I better brace myself for more FMLA's :sad: . When 64% of your country is obese what can you do? I used to be one of them, so I can sympathize. However, I would NEVER have used my obesity as a crutch to get benefits or be "a protected class".
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I think that before an obese person should be "labeled" as disabled, that individual must have a complete medical history to prove that he/she is obese due to medical reasons. Just because someone became obese due to pure laziness, eating junk food, and not working out, this is not a disability. Although being obese could hinder certain types of jobs, there still are jobs people can do to earn an income. If someone is very obese due to laziness, then maybe he/she could be on temporary disability, in which this individual must go on a weight loss program and learn how to eat right and to start excersising. Why not help those who are obese instead of "support" them.

    My neighbor is in his 30's and he is about 500lbs and is diabetic. He is on disability and is also selling sports jersey's from is home for extra income. The only time I really see him, is when he comes back from McDonalds with a large bag of food, or if he ordered pizza. He's not even trying to lose weight. My husband even debated on suggesting he goes on the Biggest Loser, but he decided not to.

    It's definately a touchy subject and needs to be addressed. I don't think they should be a protected class unless a person's obeseness is due to medical reasons.
  • bellanena
    Do they protect anorexic people? If not, then no weight class should be protected.

    I could be wrong, but I think anorexia is a mental diagnosis... therefore, it would be protected. Right?

    I do not think a mental diagnosis gives you protected class status either, unless you're considered disabled because of it. I guess it's possible.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    My point is:

    If you want to be fat, that is your business, If you want to super size it, then that is your business and your right. There shouldn't be a limit to the amount of carbonated sugary beverages you can consume. Look, I understand that some people truly can't help it. I understand that some people suffer due to thyroid or other types of medical issues. I don't have a problem with this. I also don't have a problem with the person. It is the obese Gov assistance lifestyle I don't like. I also don't like when the Federal nanny comes in throwing MY money around to create another special interest group. If you are obese then that is fine! Just don't ask me to pay for your food(EBT), or your medical care, or give you special privileges on account of being big. If you are getting help from the central planners and you are big then you are infringing on my rights, my treasure and my time required to make such treasure. What? Are employees going to be required to hire a certain % of obese people now? Wow, cant wait for the next VS catalog to come out after that happens.

    Yeah, sorry if i am being critical(I must have struck a nerve) but I am sure plenty of those getting assistance surely found enough of their own money to get that new tattoo, or a new piercing, or a new iphone along with having the fridge stocked full of beer.

    You did strike a nerve in everyone of us that is overweight... because you generalized all of us as "whales". We are on this site to better ourselves and improve our lives, not to be made fun of. You can make your point without the little 'digs'... I have a thyroid issue but my weight problems were mostlly because I was so depressed I could not even think about doing anything about it. Does that make me a lesser person? Someone who it is okay to insult?
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Maybe we should make a special protected class for those with low self esteem. I mean - they will come across poorly in interviews but we shouldn't judge them on that.

    It is your choice to be how you want to be - but you do so knowing what others' immediate perceptions of you may be so it is in your hands. The same as if I painted my face in bright colours before a job interview - I would expect the interviewer to think certain things about me. It is my human right to paint my face, but I have to acknowledge how people are going to treat me because of that.

    For people to suggest that it falls under the same heading as race/gender/sexuality/disability discrimination is ludicrous and disrespectful to those groups.
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    I think that before an obese person should be "labeled" as disabled, that individual must have a complete medical history to prove that he/she is obese due to medical reasons. Just because someone became obese due to pure laziness, eating junk food, and not working out, this is not a disability. Although being obese could hinder certain types of jobs, there still are jobs people can do to earn an income. If someone is very obese due to laziness, then maybe he/she could be on temporary disability, in which this individual must go on a weight loss program and learn how to eat right and to start excersising. Why not help those who are obese instead of "support" them.

    My neighbor is in his 30's and he is about 500lbs and is diabetic. He is on disability and is also selling sports jersey's from is home for extra income. The only time I really see him, is when he comes back from McDonalds with a large bag of food, or if he ordered pizza. He's not even trying to lose weight. My husband even debated on suggesting he goes on the Biggest Loser, but he decided not to.

    It's definately a touchy subject and needs to be addressed. I don't think they should be a protected class unless a person's obeseness is due to medical reasons.

    NOT TRUE> I determine federal disability cases and it doesn't matter how the person became obese. If the obesity is severe enough, in conjunction with other severe medical impairments, they will be eligible for benefits
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Do they protect anorexic people? If not, then no weight class should be protected.

    I could be wrong, but I think anorexia is a mental diagnosis... therefore, it would be protected. Right?

    I do not think a mental diagnosis gives you protected class status either, unless you're considered disabled because of it. I guess it's possible.

    It would be considered a disability if having the disorder resulted in detrimental harm. For example, if the anorexic's muscles deteriorated to the point that they were no longer able to meet the lifting requirements of the position. If the company fired them for not being able to lift X-amount of pounds, then one could argue anorexia as a diability in court.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    People openly discriminate against obese people, I've seen it all my life and it is apparent in this thread. I've had people call me names since I was very young, I've had adults come up to me and tell me I'm disgusting, I've had people laugh at me openly but thankfully, I have been able to have a fairly successful career in which no one can say that they won't hire me due to my obesity. I've felt that being a woman (and maybe an obese woman) has kept me back a few times more than anything although they can't openly say that either.

    It is a shame when people make assumptions about all obese people without knowing the lifelong struggle that many of us have had.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    How about this though... drug addiction... you hear all the time that addiction is a disease. Most companies will offer an employee that fails a drug test the opportunity to enter a rehabilitation facility before termination. But what if someone were terminated due to a history of drug addiction. Is it still discrimination?
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    People openly discriminate against obese people, I've seen it all my life and it is apparent in this thread. I've had people call me names since I was very young, I've had adults come up to me and tell me I'm disgusting, I've had people laugh at me openly but thankfully, I have been able to have a fairly successful career in which no one can say that they won't hire me due to my obesity. I've felt that being a woman (and maybe an obese woman) has kept me back a few times more than anything although they can't openly say that either.

    It is a shame when people make assumptions about all obese people without knowing the lifelong struggle that many of us have had.

    See- that isn't discrimination. It is abuse and people generally being douches. It is totally separate to discrimination. Don't confuse the two.
  • MoveTheMountain
    Since I work in H.R., I have to deal with various cases dealing with discrimination, harrassment, violence in the workplace, etc.... Historically, courts had found that obesity is a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) only when it has a physiological cause. However, recently the court has ruled otherwise and Michigan, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. have laws that expressly make weight a protected class like women and minorities are.

    With the growing obesity epidemic in the U.S. (more than one-third of the U.S. adults approx. 35.7% and approx. 17% of children and adolescents) and those numbers expected to rise, do you think it is fair to place them in a protected class? I personally think that obesity is something most, not all, people can change. You can't change that you were born a female or that you are Black, Hispanic, etc... or that you are blind, have cerebral palsy....I think you get my point.

    Disclaimer: I am not in any way criticizing obese people. I believe in health and wellness and there are too many facts and research to share on here to support my belief.

    I agree with you. By making it a protected class, you're giving up and saying it's not their fault, when in most cases it *is* their fault. I'm not saying it's easy to change, but it's possible. Hell, it wasn't easy for me to get up at 6am this morning and workout, or to say no to all the crap food that comes my way, but I do it. And as a result, I'm getting in better shape, I'm stronger, and I feel much better. I think making this a protective class is a mistake, because in most cases, obesity is a symptom, not a condition. (ie, symptom of eating like crap and not exercises, or even a symptom of a thyroid problem. In either case, it's the result of something else; it's not itself a root condition.)