negative emotions toward food is the problem not the food



  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    It's true! I eat almost every food that I want to eat, just in a portion size that fits in my daily calories. I've done this whole dieting thing a lot of times for my age, and I've learned that whenever I say "I can eat only ____, but never ____" that the only thing I want to eat is the "never" stuff. There are a few foods I just don't eat very often though. Not because they're "bad" but because I can't control myself around them -- like donuts and Oreos. For me, those foods just make me want more and more and I will eat them until they are gone, and then crave them when they're gone until I go get more. But, even with those foods, I indulge every once in a long while. Good insight!
