

  • purpleelephand2011
    purpleelephand2011 Posts: 35 Member
    I started out at 285 lbs 4 1/2 months ago and I had the same problem, too many calories need to hit my "target" amount. To bulk up the calories, I had a lot of complex carbs and fruit. I am now down to 245 and at 1200 cal a day, and still find it hard to hit that. You are going to do great!! I make almost all of my delicious meals using skinnytaste.com recipes and the best part is that MFP has pretty much all of the meals found there already programmed in so you don't have to add every ingredient. Good luck!

    I'm just curious how people find it hard to eat up to 1200 calories a day. I currently eat between 1400 - 1550 calories a day, (I want to lose more weight slowly. I have my account set to lose 1 lbs a week.) and I find it hard to not go over sometimes even though I eat a lot of veggies and eat lean protein and not too many grains. My sister is 5'4" and weighs about 115, she's in really good shape, and even she finds it hard to eat only 1200 calories a day.
    I'm just curious do you eat mostly just veggies?? I just wondering because I would like to find more low calories foods that fill me up. I get low blood sugar so I have to eat about 5 small meals a day.

    @browneyedgirl my problem is not that but i often would eat a 700 calorie meal and not eat for 8 hours then eat a salad with water and go to bed. alot of fat ppl have this problem
  • purpleelephand2011
    purpleelephand2011 Posts: 35 Member
    i work out by the way...just saying.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    You don't HAVE to eat 2400.

    But then again you had to have been eating more than 2400 at some point to get to where you're at now.
    (Unless there's some underlying medical issue you haven't mentioned or don't know about)

    I'm 266 and MFP gives me 2220 now.
    10 lbs ago I think that 2400 was my MFP calorie goal. Don't remember.

    You can always go in and adjust it to whatever you think you can eat everyday.

    I aim to eat between my BMR (which MFP calculates as 1994) and my TDEE (which according to fitnessfrog.com is 2763)
    20% less of my TDEE = 2240.

    Some days I'm under, some days I'm over.
    I'm not perfect, but it's working for me so far.
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    I started out at 36 stone, now I have lost 11 stone 3 [ish] you are welcome to view my diary at any time if it helps as I have a lot of calories to use too xx
  • addaline22
    addaline22 Posts: 114
    first off, GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! I am proud of you for making this choice.
    b) the salad of flavor- spinach greens and lettuce, black beans, drained and rinsed mixed with a little fajita spice and galic, fresh diced tomatos, drained and rinsed black olives, diced onion, diced peppers of your choice, low fat cheese and a table spoon of low/no fat sour cream. asemble like taco salad and love!!!! you can use ground turkey and pan fry it with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and the afore mentioned spices as well. you will feel full, you will have lots of protien, and a good count of the calories.

    brown rice stir fry. fix the brown rice according to the pakage, but only add half the oil. chop up red peppers, carrots, zuccini and pea pods and stir fry them. only take a table spoon or less of oil in a hot pan. and your choice of lean meat. beef is great with this.

    those are great options to make changes to as well. dont get bogged down on your calorie count. aim for 2000 a day of healthy meals and snacks and you will feel good and weight will come off. You can do it!!!
  • addaline22
    addaline22 Posts: 114
    first off, GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! I am proud of you for making this choice.
    b) the salad of flavor- spinach greens and lettuce, black beans, drained and rinsed mixed with a little fajita spice and galic, fresh diced tomatos, drained and rinsed black olives, diced onion, diced peppers of your choice, low fat cheese and a table spoon of low/no fat sour cream. asemble like taco salad and love!!!! you can use ground turkey and pan fry it with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and the afore mentioned spices as well. you will feel full, you will have lots of protien, and a good count of the calories.

    brown rice stir fry. fix the brown rice according to the pakage, but only add half the oil. chop up red peppers, carrots, zuccini and pea pods and stir fry them. only take a table spoon or less of oil in a hot pan. and your choice of lean meat. beef is great with this.

    those are great options to make changes to as well. dont get bogged down on your calorie count. aim for 2000 a day of healthy meals and snacks and you will feel good and weight will come off. You can do it!!!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Let me start by saying I had bariatric surgery last year, but what I'm doing should still work for you. I started at 386. Anyway, I'm now 266 and I eat about 1000 calories per day in 3 meals and 2 snacks. I also eat a minimum of 70 grams of protein per day. Since you are about the same size I am, I would suggest trying a lower calorie count and a higher protien count than what you are doing now. If you can talk to a dietician do so, just to verify what you're hearing here. Feel free to "friend" me if you want to look at my food logs.

    It is VERY dangerous for someone that is not a bariatric patient to take on a diet like one. This is not sound advice at all and you should not do this. People who have had their digestive systems altered require very different dietary structuring and supplementation. PLEASE no one do this unless direct advised by a physician.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I started on MFP at almost 300 pounds. You are welcome to read my diary. My net is only 1600 now but with exercise I eat around 2000 most days.
  • Rianneew8
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    To lose my weight I ate a 1200-1300 calorie diet. Not for everyone, but my goal was to do it as quickly and safely as possible.I lost about 20 lbs the first month and 10 lbs a month thereafter. I didn't start exercising until I had lost 40-50 lbs.I worked my way up to 2 hours of exercise a day. I now am at my goal wt and am estimating about 1400 cals plus exercise. You have to find out what works for your and your lifestyle. Do something that you can live with and be consistent. No secrets , just healthy eating and exercise.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    You're going to get a lot of information, and much of it conflicting. I hope this helps, rather than adds, to your dilemma.

    I'm 154 and I eat 2,000+ calories per day. This is still enough to put me at a deficit. I have friends eating 1500 or less, and it works for them.

    The best thing you can do is educate yourself about TDEE and BMR. To get started, I suggest you check out:

    2)use the search function on this site to look up TDEE and BMR. This will help you get ready to adjust your MFP default settings, then play with the numbers until you find what works for you.

    Good luck.