Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's Week 12



  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    The weekend was okay I guess. I didn’t get in any exercise but I was okay with the food. I’m going to the gym this afternoon for week 3/day 3 of C25K. Depending on how things go, I might just stick with week 3. We’ll see.

    Kelly, thanks for the congrats!! I’m very excited to make it to 50 lbs. I think I’m going to go get my hair done as a reward.

    Magglet, congrats on the big 1 year ann of not smoking. That’s awesome!!!

    Whitney, congrats on the big 1 year of marriage. I got married last July, so I’m a newly web, too!! Weekends are the worst for me, too. It has gotten better over the past few months, but still my week spot.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    OMG I drank way to much this weekend! this was not ok. It snowed for a second, we are supposed to get a lot more the rest of this week! so taht should be lots of fun. Well just got news that I should get my husband back tonight!!!! Ver excited around this house, now gotta get my butt moving and get it all ready! Have a wonderful MONDAY! all
  • jacque509
    Ok so we def know we wont here from u for a few days hahahahahaha:laugh:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    OMG I drank way to much this weekend! this was not ok. It snowed for a second, we are supposed to get a lot more the rest of this week! so taht should be lots of fun. Well just got news that I should get my husband back tonight!!!! Ver excited around this house, now gotta get my butt moving and get it all ready! Have a wonderful MONDAY! all

    Yay!!!! Woo Hoo!!! Welcome home MissV's hubby!!! :drinker:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Miss V and very happy for you! How exciting...lots o hugs and kisses @ your home! Enjoy it sweets! :heart: :smooched:

    Ok, so I get myself all layered up for my walk outside and decide when I get to the end of my street that it's just too darn slippery. Don't wanna take any chances gettin hurt, so back home I go...and get on my treadmill. I am gettin stronger each day I walk/jog. I was able to jog for 10 minutes straight today! I know it wasn't a mile, but it felt so amazing! I just finished day 3 of Level 1 Shred....all together, 493 cals burned and I am ready to eat for fuel! :tongue:

    Hope you are all having a good day! Keep on pushing it, and do your best! :flowerforyou:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Morning Peppers:

    Still in my funk but i have set a mini goal for myself this week ... which is exercise for at least 5 days( since i havent exercised since before thanksgiving i dont want to kill myself) then next week i will log my food and get back in the groove of things .... my goal for this month is too lose 10 pounds before my bday which is the 29th of Dec... i can do this its just gonna take baby steps ... I hate being in this funk and not being in the holiday spirit (its just not me ) so its a new week and i have goals now i just hope to reach them ... i keep telling myself I CAN DO I CAN DO THIS .....Hope everyone else is doing good ..... welcome aboard Whitney
  • jacque509
    Megan I love this!!! scale scale on the floor show me a lower number than before
    You go girl u can do this!!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    thanks jacque
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    just gettin ready to leave for my pm route....been cleaning, laundry. fun fun. really need to clean my puggers bed and give them a bath.....maybe later...

    HI Megan ! YES !! :happy: you can do this girl! Plan your meals, and do as much ahead of time prep as you can.....plan time for your exercise too! Looks like you are back in it here with the positive comments you made! Yay for you!! I agree with taking it slow into the exercise...have fun too! good luck and keep movin forward!

    later team! Let's all try hard this week so by Friday we can take the scale down! :drinker:
  • angiemcnett
    Miss V - I am excited for you that you get your husband back tonight. :happy:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    just got done working out with leslie sandsone for 45 minutes (its a start) now if only i can keep doing it all week .... i will be back on track in no time .... thanks ladies for the encouraging words (hugs to all )
  • jacque509
    Ok so I worked out before work for 30 min and then again 30 min after work, sound great except I ate like I was straving am so gonna weight tomorrow to see the damage
  • jacque509
    :happy: Ok so I didnt hit the gym this morning, had a tumor board meeting to attend at the crack of dawn :( but am def walking tonight,
    Kelly- I am still looking for my dvd I know it here somewhere. thought I would alternate the gym with this.
    Hope everyone have a good day. think happy thoughts!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Not having a good day so far......spouse related. will try to check in later. wishin you all a good day.:flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    Kelly praying for ya
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's,
    Feeling a little better getting food down and keeping it there. Have not been exercising still feeling sick, but sticking to my calories, maybe a loss this week, we shall see. I came back to work today and have been very busy. I will check back in a while. :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Ugh!! I think I'm subconsciously avoiding going to the gym. The last time I did C25K it was so hard and discouraging. I should have gone Saturday to finish week 3, but I didn't go. Didn't go Sunday. I planned to go yesterday, but DH cancelled (again!!) and I told him I'd wait for him and go today instead. He cancelled on me this morning before I left, so I was able to take my stuff with me. I don't even have a good excuse not to go, but I really don't want to. I feel like crying, I'm so frustrated. I keep trying to reason myself out of it. "I need a week off from it to get my mind back in the right place." But I know what I really need to do is go and push myself to do this. The longer I put it off, the harder it will be.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey team,

    thanks jacque....issues not resolved yet, but hangin on here

    sindy i am glad you are feeling a little better. don't worry bout exercising while under the'll be back in the game soon. take care

    crystal.....keepin consistent with exercise is MY biggest battle here. all that sticks in my mind is about what i am doing (whether it is walk/jog, shred,etc ) is how tough this really is, how much effort i put into it, and honestly, facing reality that this is what i need to make as part of my lifestyle change. what i have come to realize tho is, that i need to break out of my comfort zone. i need to push myself, and work harder and harder each day. when i feel these tensions, and frustrations, is when i am at the point of moving ahead or falling down again. i want you to be strong here with me and fight with every ounce of your being to go beyond the breaking point. you are doing so great with the C25K program. i know you can do this. go at a pace you can maintain and gain from....don't go backwards. i know you don't want to start this over keep at it girl! just want you to know i am thinking of ya and i know exactly how you feel. you can succeed here, i believe in you! i have always thought i would be more successful if my dh exercised with me, but i don't think that will ever happen...i know how bummed you must feel when plans change. YES, push yourself and go. do it for you and no one else! you can do it!:flowerforyou:

    hope all is well with barb and angie, and of course our Miss V...and the rest of the SHGP's.

    have a nice evenin gang, 3 more days before we beat that dang scale up!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Welcome home Miss V hubby.

    Last week 200 minutes exercise. Didn't weigh in - not home at my curves where I weigh in.

    Worked all last week, this weekend and all this week. Feeling beat....

    Work got really hectic and I'm working through lunch. Missed my end of work day run yesterday. Due to kid obligations did not make it to curves today or yesterday.

    Wednesday new day.... try again.

  • jacque509
    Crystal-I so know how you feel, but you just push yourself because you know this but I am just gonna remind you like you remind me. YOU WILL FEEL SO GOOD AFTER YOU DO IT!!! Girl you can do this! by yourself for your self!! It all about you! not DH or anyone else, you need to do this for you. If your DH is like my ex, he needs a visual to see why he needs to do this. So go and give him the visual that you will do this with or without him and that will sink in. maybe not tomorrow but it will. Go and have a great day girl:wink: