Just Introducing Myself

I just moved over to this web site after trying Sparkpeople.com for about two weeks. I find this web site much easier to work with.

I am hoping to lose 50 pounds to get back down to a place where I felt good about myself.


  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    I just moved over to this web site after trying Sparkpeople.com for about two weeks. I find this web site much easier to work with.

    I am hoping to lose 50 pounds to get back down to a place where I felt good about myself.

    Welcome, Ben. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    I totally agree that MFP is easier to navigate and is less "hassle" if you will, than Sparkpeople! I did love that site but I felt so pressured to spin the wheel and to give friends tokens and so forth...I had to stop - it was all encompassing!

    Welcome to MFP and feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for great cheerleaders to motivate and support your journey!