Day 1 on MFP. What should I know about that isn't obvious?

Overall the site looks quite good. The two major factors I see are the calorie and exercise pages. They look like they integrate well.

Everything else seems to be secondary. What should I be paying attention to that I'm not?


  • Ness8411
    Sugar and saturated fats
  • cole_carter
    cole_carter Posts: 174 Member
    exercise burns calories.... so if you exercise you get a calorie credit for the work you did.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    I read your post on cycling.
    I think you are around the less obvious issues.
    mfp sometimes overstates calories on exercise, but you can override it easily.
    You can also add your own exercise
    use the shortcuts for saving meals and recipies.
    recipies are a pain first time but you'll be glad you did it when you cook the same meal again.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    The search function.
  • johnnydubroy
    Do you have any good meals (fairly low calorie but high in filling)? Or recipes. Do you know where to find them?
  • whatascene
    whatascene Posts: 119 Member
    - If you want to lose faster, go to lose one pound a week. If you do 2 pounds, it can get rather excessive.

    - It's okay to eat back any calories you burn with exercise because MFP already calculates that losing a pound a week for you. You'll see really intense people on boards complaining about people who do that, but go at your own pace. I have been really successful and continue to be while still eating back exercise calories.

    - WORK OUT! This is the best fitness plan I've ever been on. I get to eat almost whatever I want, especially when I work out.

    - Don't count cleaning or chores as exercise. I have seen that type of stuff fail people on here time after time, it's just people trying to scrounge more calories to eat more. Let those extra ones like walking 10 min to class or doing a chore benefit you in the long run. MFP over estimates calorie burn half the time anyway so it's risky to count those things.

    Good luck!!!
  • rcockrell6
    rcockrell6 Posts: 17 Member
    Make sure you eat at least most of the cal. or you will go into starvation mode and not lose the wait.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    You should set your deficit goal to ONE POUND A WEEK. If you are just starting a lifestyle change, you will most likely lose more than a pound a week at first, but you do not want to set your deficit too high. (Deficit is calories expended during the day just running your body's normal functions + exercising + little daily activities MINUS the calories you eat in a day) A high deficit will potentially set you up for mild malnutrition in the long run. Food is good! Food is fuel! Everybody tells you that the trick is to eat less, exercise more. It's true, but don't take it to the extreme. 500 calories a day is just as unhealthy as 4000. 1200 or 1500 calories are usually 'recommended' by other 'dieters', but you do what works for you!

    That's my major focus. I have to remind myself this everyday, and I'm recovering from bulimia after losing 145 pounds the wrong way. :)

    I'll probably be back to say more, but I'm setting up my dad's account right now! (He had open heart surgery four days ago, so it is time for his own lifestyle change!!)
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    eat more, weight less
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Exercise burns calories, but the numbers are far above the actual.

    There is no scientific evidence for starvation mode for men over 6% body fat or women over 12% body fat. So if over time you don't lose any weight it means you need to eat less. I find notching 100 lbs up or down and giving it time will tell you the answer. Listen to your body. Calorie estimates are ESTIMATES, only YOU can decide what is right for you (or your doctor). losing weight happens in "chunks" and not linear, so you can do the right thing every day with calories and exercise and it seems nothing is happening but be patient and it will drop (unless you are eating too many calories).
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Forums are evil =P
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    eat more, weight less

    Back already. :) ^^^ This is a common saying on MFP, but if you're a newbie, it can get confusing. Eat more? Weigh less? It's more of a statement of eating MORE than 1200 calories a day. It doesn't mean that you can eat 3000 calories a day and lose weight (unless your are exercising hardcore or very, very obese). It doesn't mean you can eat 2000 calories of JUNK and lose weight either. Use the search bar and search for 'eat more weigh less'. Basically the idea is to use an array of calorie calculators on the internet (my favorite is scooby's calculator) and get a more accurate/safer number than MFP will give.

    You have your BMR which is how many calories or units of energy that your body based on age, weight, and height expends running bodily functions (digestion, breathing, pumping blood, etc.) It's often compared to the amount of calories you would expend if you were in a coma.

    Your TDEE is the total number of calories you expend in a day with daily activities and exercise. If you have a job position as a nurse for example, you would be a pretty active person -- walking around all day, staying on your feet, lifting patients. Your body expends more calories standing/walking than sitting. That's a fact. ;) It also includes the little things like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. If you jog 30 minutes a day, that's usually also included.

    The goal is to eat between your TDEE and BMR. That way you have enough calories to keep your body running, but not enough to maintain your weight.

    Edited to add: Here's a good website for calculating your BMR and TDEE if you are interested.
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    Take most advice on the forums with a pinch of salt. Everyone has their own opinions as to what works and what doesn't. Try to follow it all and you'll be going round in circles. Find what works for you and stick to it!
  • Eat enough calories so that you may keep your internal heat going and be able work your butt off. Most of the calories you consume go towards to keeping your body at a constant temperature and the rest goes to whatever else you do.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Be careful in the forums.. There are some troublemakers. :devil:
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    If you are in a forum you want to save to find easily later...just hit reply and write "bump" and it will save under "my topics'....Ie. recipes, work-out advise, etc.:flowerforyou:
  • Irish_eyes75
    Nothing except the food and exercise pages - the rest is fluff. Yes there is some good info out here in the forums but you have to weed through the garbage.
    Don't just use MFP as your single source of info. Research, read, find what works for you and stick to it. You can't fail that way.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Drink lots and lots of water....