September Binge Challenge



  • PandaPants0612
    PandaPants0612 Posts: 37 Member
    Great weekend- got to eat some of my favorite foods without bingeing :)

    Me: 7
    Monster (who I honestly feel isn't a threat to me anymore): 9

    I'll be in the lead soon and thats where I'm planning on staying!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    Start date: Sept. 1

    Me: 14
    Binge Monster: 2

    Y'all are all doing great! Keep on beating that Binge Monster down!!!
  • Start date: Sept. 1

    Powerless binge monster: 0
    Powerless overeating devil: 1

    Powerful me: 14

    Choosing to enjoyably overeat at a wedding: 1
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    Im new on here and cant wait to try this in October!!! :)
  • PandaPants0612
    PandaPants0612 Posts: 37 Member
    Me: 8
    Monster: 9

  • PandaPants0612
    PandaPants0612 Posts: 37 Member
    Tied up and ready to take over :D

    Me: 9
    Inferior Binge Monster: 9
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    Start date: Sept. 1

    Me: 16
    Binge Monster: 2
  • PandaPants0612
    PandaPants0612 Posts: 37 Member
    Me: 10
    Monster: 9

    I think posting here everyday is helping to keep me accountable and not binge :)
  • Me: 20
    Binge monster: 2

  • ifie
    ifie Posts: 4 Member
  • Start date: Sept. 1

    Powerless binge monster: 0
    Powerless overeating devil: 1

    Powerful me: 24

    Consciously choosing to enjoyably overeat: 2
  • me: 26
    binge monster: 2
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    Start date: Sept. 1

    Me: 23
    Binge Monster: 6
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    Overall, I'm happy with my results for this month.... I know there is one more day left, but I actually lost some weight this month due to more exercise and especially due to having more control of the Binge Monster inside me. It is the most control that I've ever had! I truly expect to have control tomorrow and am hoping to see this challenge continue in October.

    Kimblesnbits, Thank you for starting this thread and helping me so very much!
  • Start date: Sept. 1

    Powerless binge monster: 2
    Powerless overeating devil: 1

    Powerful me: 25

    Consciously choosing to enjoyably overeat: 2
  • DeTaart
    DeTaart Posts: 93 Member
    Start date: Sept. 1

    Powerless binge monster: 8

    Powerful me: 22

    Consciously choosing to enjoyably overeat: 0

    I WANT to consciously overeat without the binges. My october aim is to turn those 8 binge days into 8 "conscious over-eating days".
  • Doing so much better lately! Over eaten on some days, but having chosen to rather than having that uncontrollable feeling.
    So finished September like this
    Me - 26
    BM - 4

    Hoping for a totally binge free October now, and actually feel this may be attainable!