My family always wants to eat at UNHEALTHY places!

I'm a college student that lives on campus but comes home weekends. Every Friday night, my family goes out to dinner. I've run into a bit of a problem with this. They always want to go to horribly unhealthy chain restaurants. Tonight, they insisted that we go to Cici's Pizza Buffet. Both my parents are also overweight-- my father has a BMI over 36! My father especially is rude to me about this. He stated that if I had a problem, I could just watch them eat. I don't want to sound unappreciative. I value the time we spend together. I value the concept of a free meal. I don't value all the calories, fat, etc. that seem to be a part of it because of my family's reluctance to eat anywhere remotely healthy.


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    They don't have CiCi's in my part of the US, but the chain pizza places around here all offer salads. Is it possible to eat a salad instead of pizza? Maybe you can lead by example. Good luck.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Wow, I've been to CiCi's and that's just dismal. What if you looked up some healthy recipes and offered to cook? I know that doesn't work for everyone but that's what I do when I'm home, because it helps me keep on track better than the meal plan, and because my parents don't eat well when I'm not around.
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I attempted to load up on salad. Unfortunately, the salad bar at this place was lacking. It consisted of lettuce, carrots, onions, and various dressings. The lettuce was also not fresh (i.e. browning).

    Fortunately, my family agreed not to go there again at least! They didn't like it much.
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I would love to cook! That's a great idea. I'll look into that for sure. I wish I wasn't so kitchen challenged though-- most recipes that I've looked at so far intimidate me.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I LOVE to cook, I would be more than happy to talk you through anything you want to try. I promise nothing is really as hard as it sounds. :smile:
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    all of the cicis i know of have awesome salad bars! man that sux that that one didnt. maybe you could offer to bring home a premade meal, or get a nice meal to-go? there are a lot of unhealthy chain restruants that offer healthy alternitives( i cant think of the names right now) if you go to a breakfast place they usally have some good choices, or they can make easy subtitutions like no cheese, just egg whites, whole wheat pancakes, no syrup or butter ect. sorry i couldnt be more help! :(
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    In the future, can you find out where they are going so you can research the menu options (on the internet) and choose the closest thing to "healthy" as possible? That's what I try to do when I am going out with my husband or family. I know where you are coming from and it does get frustrating when people you love don't understand. If it's not possible to find out before, I would get familiar with some of their fave restaraunt menus so that I could be prepared. Also, there's a book that I carry with me sometimes-- I'm sure you've heard of it-- "Eat this, Not that". I really like it and have found it to be helpful in times like this.

    On the cooking thing... don't let intimidation stand in your way! :) I used to get so scared when I looked at a recipe. But, one day I thought what's the worst that could happen? So, I might mess it up... and that would suck.... but, I might create something delicious that I never before thought I could! Just go for it... you might find something you really enjoy. ;)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Crazyjkgirl, I have some super easy recipes if you're interested. The only remotely difficult one is my veggie chili, but that's cuz it has a lot of chopping, but that's it!
    Have you tried telling them how much money they'll save every month for other fun stuff if they don't eat out all the time?
  • conniec13
    I would love to cook! That's a great idea. I'll look into that for sure. I wish I wasn't so kitchen challenged though-- most recipes that I've looked at so far intimidate me

    I have a bunch of recipes that you might like and that are simple to make. Try this one, you can serve it over rice or eat it just like this. Good luck

    4 servings

    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1/2 pound ground turkey or ground meat substitute (such as Boca crumbles)
    1/2 onion, chopped
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 can (28 ounces) crushed tomatoes, undrained
    1 can (16 ounces) kidney beans, drained
    1/2 teaspoon chili powder
    Pinch of cayenne pepper
    1 teaspoon maple syrup
    1 teaspoon wine vinegar
    1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
    1/2 teaspoon turmeric

    Heat oil in a large saucepan. Add turkey, onion and garlic; cook 5 minutes stirring frequently. Add remaining ingredients; simmer uncovered 25 minutes.

    What's In It for You
    (per serving)

    Daily calories 453.23
    Total fat (g) 13.18
    Saturated fat (g) 2.3
    Healthy fats (g)
    Fiber (g) 6.8
    Carbohydrates (g) 64.57
    Sugar (g) 9.35
    Protein (g) 20.69
    Sodium (mg) 853.53
    Calcium (mg) 174.13
    Magnesium (mg) 41.88
    Selenium (mcg) 11.89
    Potassium (mg) 553.63
  • RockNRollWeekender
    In the future, can you find out where they are going so you can research the menu options (on the internet) and choose the closest thing to "healthy" as possible?

    AGREE!!!! That's actually what I did for Thanksgiving and it worked great. I was so impressed. I know if I ever have to go to CiCi's again I'll def be checking that kind of stuff out. But I found their nutritional information here:

    I looked over the menu...and man the last time I was there I def ate over 2,000 (before I joined MFP). I'm so surprised.

    But I also think that cooking for your family would be awesome too. I'm not much of a cook (I love to bake WAY more) but I know a few easy recipes. is my fave reliable website for all kinds of meals.

    Another suggestion (sorry if someone else mentioned and I didn't see it) but find somewhere else your family can eat. And maybe instead of saying "I'm watching my calories...etc" just tell 'em you want to switch it up. I know some people in my fam can be bulls in the face of change especially if it's to be "healthier."

    Hope that helps....and good luck to you!
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    It's been a huge tradition for my family to go out to eat every Friday night since I was a little girl. Money isn't too much of an issue for my family, and since we only do this once a week it doesn't hurt us too much. I do think that cooking for the family would be an amazing idea and I love the suggestion.

    I have been looking at menus of restaurants and using that to help me. It's been great so far. The problem occurs when I spend a half hour figuring out exactly what I am going to get to eat at a certain place and then my family refuses to go there. Sometimes, they change their mind at the last minute as well. I hope others can see how this can be frustrating.

    I'm just concerned at this point because my weight loss has held steady the past two weeks. And the fact that "relapsing" into eating such greasy food like pizza just fuels my desire for other things I used to eat like french fries, ice cream, etc.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    im sorry, that must be a crazy hard situation for you!!! well anyway keep up the good work!!!! and i hope you find a solution!!!:smile:
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    It is challenging trying to be faithful to the "new" you with healthy plans and goals, and yet still be part of the same old relationships. As someone who has had weight issues for a long time, I can say from their side of things- I didn't want any constructive criticism or comments that made it clear that I was wrong. I knew I was wrong, but wasn't ready to make better choices.

    I like the suggestion that you research some of the restaurants in the area. Come armed with a plan and make some suggestions for places you might like to go. If they have their minds set, do your best. (like the suggestions for salad or egg beaters) I even have (planned to eat extra evening calories) ordered a small steak- usually fewer sauces on it (cut it in half, so I only eat 3 to 4 oz.) a small baked potato- plain, and green salad with a little lemon juice. if you know this is coming friday evening when you get home, eat a little lighter. then you can grin and bear it at the buffet. Have one slice of cheese pizza (or vegie, you can even remove some of the cheese if you think it is just too much) and then fill up with salad.

    If you are positive about the experience. Make suggestions, but are willing to go with the flow. Hopefully, they will come to be more willing to support you. If you grouse and complain alot, they will probably figure you won't be happy anyway and why go out of their way to please you, when you are being miserable.

    Definitely, you can offer to help cook meals and try out some healthy recipes. You can even use the excuse that you are trying to learn cooking skills. But if the tradition is to go out Fridays, maybe you should focus on helping create healthy meals for the rest of the weekend. Remember, you are the one on a journey to a new you. They did not sign up to join in, and you want to be part of their lives when you are home visiting.

    The happy, healthy and positive new you may eventually become the inspiration to their change; but they have to see it and want it, you cannot sell them this lifestyle. Good luck- katie
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I would eat before I went, then (in the spirit of community eating) could have either 1. half a slice of pizza 2. a breadstick etc. It prevents you from going over your calories and prevents your family from hassling you about just watching them eat!

    I couldn't gather if you still live with your folks or not? If so, it could be hard (they might wonder why you're eating before going out to dinner) but if you're out of the nest, they'd never need to know! :bigsmile:

    Edit: Duh. I just read the opening line of your post, you obviously 'live on campus.' :blushing:
  • crucible_13
    I just discovered a webiste called and they have great recipes, your favorite meals remade healthier without sacrificing tates. Check it out.