Military Survey Results cause military backing of early educ

jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone,

I work at a large medical center. I'm a geeky type that does data for reports and grants. My center specializes in early interventions for pre-schoolers and elementary grades.

We just got the results of a recent study by the US Military and it’s alarming and sort of shows how unhealthy the younger generations are. 75% of all the youth (18-26) volunteering for the military is rejected for one of three reasons: poorly educated, physically unfit or criminal record. I see these kinds of surveys all the time, but this one hit me like a rock because of all the people who want to volunteer for the service to get the GI Bill so they can go to college or use the benefits to buy a home. Plus just the fact that they are willing to serve and can’t. New Mexico (where I live) stats were terrible. We are at the bottom (not good) in all 3 areas.

The survey calls for support of early intervention programs and bringing back sports, gym and athletics to schools.

When I went to school many, many years ago, I had gym class from 5th grade all the way through 12th grade. My kids who are just starting high school have hardly ever had a gym class. Only one year is required in Middle School and only one year is required in High School. We kept them active through AYSO soccer, but many parents can't do that. I am lucky in that where I work understood the importance of physical activity and let me flex my hours to drive them to practice on work nights. We also did basketball. Honestly, my SUV was always filled with other people's children too as if I didn't bring them, they couldn't play.

Since everyone here is working on being healthy, I thought you all might be interested in this topic.


PS: If any one wants to see the actual survey, I will try to figure out how to get it too you. It's quite long and has graphs with all the states listed. I can always look up your state for you if that is what you mainly interested in.


  • WHOA! That is so sad! I have to admit though, I'm sorta waiting to hear the story that some Obesity Advocate group starts protesting and suing the military for "weight discrimination". :tongue: :grumble:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Well now the military lowered there standards because they are letting more people in that only have there GED and also some with criminal backgrounds.

    Let me tell you not everyone should be in the military- I need someone with there **** together watching my husband and my friends backs.

    But then again me and my husband agree that Prisoners should be able to earn there freedom back by being deployed overseas I am not talking about the murders or rapists they can rot but people in for drug related crimes ect.. Should be overseas fighting rather than eating up tax dollars getting 3 hots and a cot-
    Just my opinion!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Pure and Healthy - I don't think anyone can obese can complain as you have to be physically fit to care your own gear and march for miles with it. The physical exams have always been there, it's just that more people are flunking it now adays.

    Mrsyac2- I agree. I was shocked to hear how much they have already lowered standards. Your right on the criminal record piece too. Some should be able to earn their freedom by serving overseas. It sounds like your husband is in the service. If so, I do thank him for it.

  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Pure and Healthy - I don't think anyone can obese can complain as you have to be physically fit to care your own gear and march for miles with it. The physical exams have always been there, it's just that more people are flunking it now adays.

    Mrsyac2- I agree. I was shocked to hear how much they have already lowered standards. Your right on the criminal record piece too. Some should be able to earn their freedom by serving overseas. It sounds like your husband is in the service. If so, I do thank him for it.


    He is! and I will.

    You would be really suprised to know how many soldiers are overweight in the military because they have lowered there standards because they need to keep people in. Its really suprising.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Wow, I have family in the military (Canadian, don't laugh =p) who probably wouldn't have been nearly as successful in most other sectors.

    I know this might be a little hypocritical, on MFP, but I'm not so alarmed by the fitness statistics as the educational ones. I've spent years volunteering in the high school Learning Resource Center, hundreds of hours to date tutoring students for free, and am currently applying to work as a special resource tutor at my university. (They don't accept volunteers for the position) It breaks my heart watching other kids, just like myself, who come from all sorts of broken and dysfunctional backgrounds, or in some cases, maybe just weren't told that they can do it! - fall to pieces later on down the road because of a faulty or lacking education.

    Honestly, all it takes is a few hours a week to turn a kid around, sometimes they don't even need that much help, just a few kind words, encouragement and faith can go a long way!
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