hubby gone for 6 month deployment

my husband left this morning for a 6 month deployment to Iraq. Clearly i am not too excited esp since it will be all winter in north me and my 2 year old son will be inside alot of the time due to our below zero temps. What i am trying to focus on is to lose weight and do somekind of daily workout everyday. I have lost 33 lbs to date..and am looking to lose up to 30 more lbs in the next 6 months. I just got the 2 newest biggest loser dvd's so i am excited to let bob and jillian kick my butt all winter long.


  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    my husband left this morning for a 6 month deployment to Iraq. Clearly i am not too excited esp since it will be all winter in north me and my 2 year old son will be inside alot of the time due to our below zero temps. What i am trying to focus on is to lose weight and do somekind of daily workout everyday. I have lost 33 lbs to date..and am looking to lose up to 30 more lbs in the next 6 months. I just got the 2 newest biggest loser dvd's so i am excited to let bob and jillian kick my butt all winter long.

    Good luck Stay busy-

    I am currently into my husbands 4th deployment. I wish he only left for 6 months that would be awesome but instead we get 12-15 month tours :(
    Stay busy and focus on your goal those months will go quick- Set the end of the 6 months as your goal date.
  • PureAndHealthy
    I'm so sorry both of you have to go through being without your husbands. Thank you so much for the sacrifices you, your husbands, and your children are making so that I can celebrate this holiday in peace and safety. Seriously, thank you so much.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Thanks to both Sasha and Mrsyac2 and your husbands. Our service men and women could not complete their missions without the support of their families at home.

    Sasha, I feel for you especially because my DH was gone the winter of '05-'06. I'm in NE WI so I know all to well about cold and snow and I also know that in North Dakota it's worse. I hated snowblowing but was very thankful for friends and neighbors that helped out on the worst storms.

    Your goal of staying busy and exercising is good. My husbands units motto was "Stay Calm, Stay Flexible" I joked that I did pilates to help with that but it's true, exercise does make us more flexible and it does help with stress. It's a good motto to live by even if I don't mean it the way they did, it all works together.
  • xStargazerx
    I totally understand how you two ladies feel. My husband is deploying in Jan (the beginning). I have two little girls but we live on Fort Bragg so I won't have to deal with the cold weather. Although I do feel we were stationed in Alaska for 5.5 yrs until we came here. My husband's deployment will be short this time also, about 6-7 months but he is part of Special Operations and will deploy more frequently than conventional Army. No matter what branch in the military you might be apart of or how long he leaves for it is still hard. Good luck to both of you and I'm here if you ever need to talk. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • lbrantley1
    My boyfriend is in afghanistan right now. he's been there for a month and 6 more to go :)
    so i know how you feel. . what branch is he in?
    thats great about your progress! i have only been on here for like 3 days but im doing good so far!
    good luck! :)
  • SlimSasha
    SlimSasha Posts: 54 Member
    mrsyac2, thanks for the support, i almost feel like a baby about the 6 month thing being that i have several friends that are army wives and they are use to 12month plus deployments!
    pure and healthy..thank you for your support of the military families i wish more people were like you..
    keiko..yeah WI has got to be cold last winter was our first in North Dakota and we were well below zero for at least 3 months down to -63!!!! I will keep telling my self "stay calm,stay flexable..what a great thing to keep in mind with all parts of your lives!
    xstargazerx...what part of ak where you in ..we were at elmendorf(anchorage for 6 years) just moved to North Dakota over a year ago..and it is far colder here then ak..although fairbanks get close to the same temps as mino,nd. good luck with your husbands upcoming deployment..and give you girls lots of kisses to get them through!
    lbrantley1 ..good luck dealing with your bf deployment! my husband is in the air force you will love this helps in every part of weight lose and is just awesome!
    thanks again for all the support!
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I know how you are feeling my husband was prior miitary but now he is contractor has been one for the last 4 years and i still have 12 months to go. my goal is to be at my 115-120 by July
  • xStargazerx
    We were stationed in Fairbanks,Ak. It was cold there. I saw temps to -60F to -70F with wind chill. Fairbanks is the hottest/coldest place in AK due to its location . Its going to be interesting because our first deployment I only had my oldest daughter but now we have the two girls. Both of which are old enough to understand that Daddy is not here. So hopefully this deployment goes smoothly. I'll be graduating this Spring so that is exciting as well. Hope the best for all the military out there fighting!