Help! Gaining?

ok so I started MFP on August 16th, 2012 and since then I lost about 6.5 lbs. I started at 211 and got down to 204.5 which was about 2 days ago or so. Well the last few days I realized I could eat back my calories that I burned working out. Stupid me didn't realize this when I started so I was working out burning about 400 cals per session at least 3x a week and not eating any of them back just stuck to 1300 like MFP suggested. Now i've gained a lb in the last 2 days??? How can I fix this and get back to losing? I'm so confused and would appreciate some help, thanks so much!!


  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    No worries, you didnt gain a pound of fat/muscle in two days. You just have more food and water in you now. I would suggest taking your measurements, your weight can fluctuate daily, they will be a better judge of loss. Im a proponent of eating back, just remember that MFP calories burned is an estimate, could be high or low, some people eat most but not all back.

    good luck
  • JHoelck0928
    JHoelck0928 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks!! The reason I was freaking out is because I weigh myself every morning around the same time and everyday since I've started I've lost something and then yesterday I gained a half a lb and today another half a lb so it made me nervous. Yeah I read somewhere in the forum that eating your calories back is better than not, but I haven't eaten all of them back. The calories I burn I go by on the equipment at my gym and then find an activity that matches the cals on here if that makes sense.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    When I adjusted my calories up it took maybe 2-3 weeks to start losing again. Check out the "in place of a road map group or helloitsdan's page to make sure your numbers are right. Hang in there- I know it's frustrating!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    How many calories to eat back is a bit of an individual thing. I typically can't eat all mine back or I gain, but if I don't eat some of them, I also gain. Don't make any changes yet because it's only been a couple days of eating back the calories. I would recommend only weighing once a week. I would also take your measurements and follow those as well. Weight loss isn't the end all be all. Sometimes the measurements tell a better story.
  • I tend to eat back about 1/2 my cals. It works for me. I am a weigh every day kind of person too but I don't get upset when the number goes up a little unless I do it for three days in a row or more. I will try and think if I have had a lot more sodium in the last day or two or if there is something else going on that I know could be affecting it. Starting to eat back your cal could be affecting that, just give it a couple weeks and see if it gets back on track!
  • JHoelck0928
    JHoelck0928 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone, makes me feel better I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing and eat back my calories to see if it gets better over time.