Back at work & always hungry!


I started my weight loss journey in March this year as a stay-at-home mum, with my activity level set as sedentary. Last month I went back to work part time after being on maternity leave. While I was at home, I was predominantly looking after my daughter (she's ten months old now) and logging my exercise if I did anything 'extra' on top of my usual housework - going to the gym, going for a 30+ minute walk, etc and eating around 30-50% of my exercise calories back.
Now that I am back at work three days a week, I have noticed on those days that I am a lot hungrier! It's not boredom...I'm always busy and time goes really quickly. I just find that my usual breakfast and lunch doesn't satisfy me and I'm always ravenous by dinner time. Should I be eating more on the days that I am working? It is an office job, but I barely sit for longer than a few minutes at a time, I am regularly walking from office to office and moving around. I've tried eating little and often, but I find myself clock-watching, wondering when I can next eat something to stop my belly from rumbling!

Anyone who can help or offer advice, please let me know. I don't want to undo the work I've put in so far.



  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    If you are hungry then listen to your body - maybe you should check out foods which keep you satisfied for longer, make sure you are hydrated and good luck :-)
  • craftykat12
    craftykat12 Posts: 50 Member
    eat foods with more fiber, it will help you fill full.