Food diaries .. are you surprised sometimes?



  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    The one thing that I am surprised about is how many people fit alcohol into their diet. I guess it's good for me that I don't like the stuff. But I never realized how many people think it's important enough to work into their calorie count.

    OUCH! :drinker:

    Thankfully!.. I can fit at LEAST one glass in easily.. Phew! *mops brow* ..

    Mostly because I don't eat much 'junk' .. :wink:

    LOL I wasn't judging! I promise! It was just a surprise to me. :drinker:
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Junk food might not be healthy, but calories are basically calories. If you sufficiently reduce calorie intake, you should lose weight regardless of weather you are eating salad or chocolate. I have lost 35 lbs, and nothing is more annoying than having someone make a comment because I eat something that is considered "off limits" by them. I would encourage people to eat healthy, but I would also ask that you give people a break and let them work on their challenges, step by step. For me cutting calories came first, then adding exercise and now I am focusing on eating the right foods.

    This! :)
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    ((((((Eupho)))))) I know you didn't mean it that way!! You are soo supportive!!

    Oh Vita! .. I didnt have my specs on!! I didn't realise it was yoooooooooooo.. :heart:

    :laugh: .. but yes.. (as you know from my diary, wine is important with my evening meal.. I'm Italian!)

    actually, I'm not.. I'm Irish.. but nevermind. :wink: :wink:
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    Agreed! I used to have a friend on here who complained all the time about her weight and how she couldn't lose, then I'd see a status where she says, "I just ate an entire bag of Dorito's and a whole tub of chip dip." It just says they're not yet to the place in their life where they take it seriously, and I don't need to be surrounded by those people so I removed her.

    Diet is 80% of weight loss, exercise only 20%, so these people need to really look at what they're eating and make changes there!!
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    Agreed. I've had a friend look at my diary and say "wow, you snack a lot" and I thought, duh! That's because most days I eat 4 smaller meals and I just call the 4th meal a snack. I sometimes want to say after reading diaries "why are you eating all those carbs?" but I don't. I am polite and keep my big mouth shut because there are days that I know I blow my carbs and I did NO exercise to even try to balance it out, lol!

    We all have good and bad days, right? If I always ate junk I don't think I would have any friends on MFP and I wouldn't be here either.

    I will say, Claire, that even though it's 8:45am here in Washington, USA...I am thinking of buying that bottle of moscato and rearranging my food diary for the day so I can have some with dinner!

    moscato might be the most amazing wine in the whole world
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    I don't look at people's food log unless they are living out of the country (US), it's mostly to see the odd things they eat/things we don't have here. I really dgaf what y'all eat.

    Edit to mention: I've never had anyone comment on the things I've logged. How weird.
  • mrshoneydew
    I don't get the whole eating fast food often but justifying it with working out a lot thing. Why put yourself through that?
    For one McDonald's hamburger you could have a delicious feast of wraps and salads and probably feel more full and satisfied without all the fat, sodium, and god knows what else they put in that stuff.
    I keep my fast food intake to a minimum but I think it's ok once in awhile. Also, since I don't eat meat, my idea of fast food is more like Subway (occasional T-bell when I feel a little naughty). I try not to eat out much, but if someone takes me out to dinner, I'm not going to refuse. ;) I would hope that people wouldn't judge if they saw that I ate something a little bad on a certain day.
    But yeah, eating stuff like that everyday, if it doesn't make you fat, it's bound to take it's toll on your body in some way. :ohwell:
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    And this is why my diary is private. I don't eat a bunch of junk, but I don't like the idea of people looking at my food choices and judging me. I try not to do it to others, either. Technically, you can eat what you like as long as you're within your calorie limit for the day, so getting on my high horse and looking down on other people for what they eat is not going to help them lose more weight.

    This! Especially as i've had disordered eating in the past, MFP has actually really helped me in terms of getting over that, but there are some days where my calorie intake is really low, and some days where it's really over my recommended calories... not only that but my food combinations are really weird haha, don't want people thinking what a freak I am (; I prefer the privacy, but love the support you can get on here.

    The OP has a point, but it's true that saying that won't help anyone lose any weight. It's true that we've all known people (if we've not been that person ourselves) who whinge about not losing weight... whilst eating a pack of doughnuts.

    Agree with these posters. I get where the OP is coming from, especially if the person is upset they aren't losing. But for me, I actually found MFP looking just for a way to keep a food diary. The food diary was all I was after (though I found much more here). I have been eating disordered most of my life and nothing messes me up more than having someone else watching my food, commenting on my food, criticizing my food, etc. If I stall or have any other issues going forward, I can see myself opening it up for a day or something, but until then, even if someone commented with the very best of intentions, I know it will make it harder to stay on track. If my diary was open, that's when I would want to start hiding things by not logging them and that would defeat the whole purpose of a food dairy.
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    I have to go in a minute.. real life beckons.. (dinner.. house work.. *yawn*) ..

    I just want to leave this thread by saying..

    I might 'attempt' to eat like 'my body is a temple' .. BUT!!!!..

    I PROMISE .. inside me is a bajillion pound woman BUSTING to get out!!

    in my ideal world my food DAILY... diary would looke more like this.

    *hand on my heart*

    Breakfast - Bacon Sausages, Pancakes, Syrup, Toast, Butter, Jam/jelly, Eggs Salmon. Mocha. (or Lumberjack Slam!!!)

    Morning Snack - KFC Chicken Boneless Banquet (sides of gravy, and corn and NOT diet crap Pepsi)

    Lunch - The All you can eat Chinese Buffet with my friends.. (Pear Cider x2)

    Afternoon snack. - McDonalds Chicken BBQ Snack wrap, a side of onion rings, and a portion of those yummy Mozzarella melt things)

    Dinner- .. Hewwwwge Pizza with EVERYTHING from the take out. BEER!

    Evening snack- Popcorn.. and vanilla ice cream that I customised by adding chopped banana, honey, and peanut butter.

    (its okay, the PB is Organic and has no added sugar!)

    Thats my ideal food day..

    anyhoooo.. thanks for the (probably unintended) laughs! :drinker:
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I don't look at other people's logs unless I am asked to. It is none of my business.
    I ALWAYS look at my friend's food diaries but I don't comment on them (except my friend of 25 years diary). Most of them leave them public for a reason. If they didn't want people looking, it would be private.

    To the OP, I eat junk occasionally. I also take daily vitamins, work out 5x a week and stay under 1700 calories and 150 carbs. If I want something, it needs to fit in my goal for the day.
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member

    To the OP, I eat junk occasionally. I also take daily vitamins, work out 5x a week and stay under 1700 calories and 150 carbs. If I want something, it needs to fit in my goal for the day.

    thats about ME .. too.. *waves*
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I thought the point of open diaries was to invite judgment. Otherwise you might as well keep them closed and people can only tell 'xyz was under their calorie goal (or not today)'.

    I judge. I expected to be judged.

    And I am shocked by the amount of crap people eat. Some crap is normal. I'm not perfect, I don't think anyone is.

    Junk food 3 or 4 times a day is not normal or a good idea.

    And the amount of salt/sodium some people eat is :noway:

    Judgment isn't the same as being nasty though. No need for nastiness. You can delete friends and/or block people if you don't like what they're saying.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    This thread makes me feel people need a hobby :)
    :laugh: :tongue: :noway: :huh:
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I get pissed when I see someone has like coffee for breakfast, some restaurant food like Chilis tortilla chips (2 whole baskets); cheesy bacony chicken something with fries and a lava cake and then have nothing for dinner because they don't have any calories left. Whyyyy??
    Stop? You're making me hungry...
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I'm not shocked when I see someone complain and check their diary and see nothing but fast food.
    Well, there's your answer dude. Stop eating crap.

    What DOES shock me, however, is when I see someone successful and want to peek at their diary.. And see chocolate and chips and other stuff that SO many people on this site frown upon. Guess it can be done with eating what I like, just in moderation.

    See, that's the key - moderation. I have a little bit of junk every day, but I try to keep them to 100 calories and I only have my treats after I've eaten my fruits and veggies. I won't skip supper just so I can have a piece of cake. Also, my food diary looks like I'm eating a lot of food and actually I am - it's just what I'm eating (like fruits and veggies) are low calories. I have 3 full meals and 2 snacks per day and I still manage to stay between 1300-1500 calories.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Why is everyone so judgemental? I eat a pint of ice cream every single day. Judge me. *shrug*
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    If someone's food diary is logged with junk food.. all I have to say is at least their being honest with themselves. Their not lying to make themselves feel better (which I've done before).
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    This is a journey. As we go through it...we make changes and learn new tips and information.

    I would never expect to see a perfect journal - but if someone is struggling and eating unhealthy, well...they need to learn how to eat healthy. You wouldn't expect a child to come out walking right? It takes time and encouragement and learning.
  • Kikilicious84
    Opening my diary helped me A LOT .. it made me accountable.. because I KNEWWW people would see if I stuffed my face with cr@p that day.. ..

    Accountable to other people? The only person you need to be accountable to is yourself. A calorie eaten in private is a still a calorie ...

    Private Calories... yum...
  • prettyprpro
    prettyprpro Posts: 128 Member
    And that's why my diary is private.