Finding Food & Exercise

Hi - Just started here about a week ago. I'm a single woman and having trouble with preparing food. I tend to eat frozen because it is quick and there aren't leftovers. (They're also small enought to pack up for work and no dishes.) I struggle because it's hard to find recipes that are easy and only one or two servings. Most recipes make enough to last me the week and who wants meatloaf for lunch every day? Have you noticed that it's also hard to buy fresh produce in small quantities - things go bad on me. Any tips?

I also struggle with part 2 - exercise. My work is very sedentary. I get bored or discouraged, but I want to build stamina, energy, and feel better. They have an elliptical machine at work. It looked fun so I snuck in to use it (I'm shy about exercising too :blushing:). It is kinda fun, but I couldn't do more than 2 minutes. Wow! My small goal is to get up to 5 minutes. I also started wearing a pedometer to see if I can get moving more. :smile:

Best of luck to the rest of you. Thanks for any support offered. :flowerforyou:


  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member

    Welcome to MFP.

    Instead of buying frozen meals, make your own. When I cook a meal that serves 4, I freeze the rest. To help with this I went out and bought a box of plastic takeaway containers and I freeze the meals in portions - then I can take them to work.

    Over time you can build up a good range of frozen meals.

    Sounds like you're making a good start on the exercise; set small, realistic goals and congratulate yourself when you achieve them.

    Although you say you're shy, have you thought about group classes? Not only do you get to exercise (possible harder than you would solo) but they will also help with confidence ultimately giving you more choices when you feel less self conscious about exercising.

    Good luck with it all

  • Desitweety
    can you refreze everything you cook? if so for how long in the freezer?