30 day shred

started the 30 day shred this week and done four days so far. my aim is to lose the tummy fat and tone up. So far going well! on the first level and finding it a little tough, doable, but tough! not sure how im going to cope with level 2 and god help me with level 3! haha. anybody else currently doing it? hows it going?


  • Kathumm
    Kathumm Posts: 33 Member
    I am on Level 2 day 3......all I can say is whew but I am sticking with it..
  • clc136
    i didnt think the video for level one looked tough before i tried it! but then again ive never used weights before, and those bicycle crunches KILL, but in a good way, its gotta do some good! :p
  • PearonaPair
    I started today...kicked my butt. Sure is a challenge though! :bigsmile:
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    i am on day 6 ( but 'technically' 10) of level 1 today (i did 4 days before i started this week in earnest - and not 4 days in a row, just 4 days in a couple of weeks lol) - and i watched it before i did it too and thought it doesn't look all that bad, but when you actually DO it? MAN, it's tough! tomorrow i'm gonna take a rest day from it and then on Monday i'm gonna start level 2 and i'm kinda worried but i'm sure it'll be okay :) it's only 20 minutes after all! :D
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    I am on day 5 of level 2. It is hard, but it gets easier - I really push myself through it and today I made it through with my 5lbs weights and no breaks. I am already losing inches and feeling so much stronger! Plus I can do a real push up now - I am so proud of myself!

    Keep at it - remember it does get easier. :wink:
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    I'm almost finished. I'm on Day 21. 9 more days left to go! My body has toned so much. I'll be posting pics after my 30 days are up. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    lvl 1 day 2 completed this morning. I really did not feel much after the first day but I think I have delayed agony lol My muscles sure are feeling tight today.
  • Lisaherbalmomma
    Just stick with it! It can be tough! I just finished the entire 30 days yesterday-I'm 47 and 45lbs overweight. I did some of the modified moves till I was stronger or if I just couldn't keep pushing the regular move. Sometimes my modified version was more effort than theirs, but not quite the regular one. Just modify if you have to and keep going because you will still see results! I only lost around 3lbs, but lost 1" off my waist and 2" off my butt. Lost a total of 5 inches including: Bust, Hips, Waist Biceps and thighs. It was worth every agonizing moment! Today I'm going to start Ripped in 30! I wish you the best! Oh, yeah I started out with canned veggies for weights and then bought 2lb and 3lb. By level 3 I could've used 5lb so that will be my next purchase! My shoulders were just dying!