My ice cream realization.

You see, I pigged on ice cream about a week ago. Because I did that, I was just going to deprive myself of ice cream. Bad plan. I'm going to buy some ice cream today! This time I'm going to buy the Bryers All Natural kind. Frankly, I didn't know Bryers made anything except all natural. What I had in my house was Bryers Frozen Dairy Dessert, full of high fructose corn syrup and other crap! I felt betrayed when I noticed that. There were still about three servings in the carton and I ate them all straight out of the carton just to get the crap out of my house! How stupid was that?

Years and years ago I heard a theory about why we are tending to get fatter as a nation. It went along the lines of we eat more because the food has no taste. Real strawberry jam like your grandmother made was strawberries and sugar with a little thickening agent, all natural. Spreading a teaspoon full on a piece of homemade bread and eating it left you feeling like you had bread and strawberry jam. Today's store bought bread (Mark Twain called it solidified bubble bath) and store made jam doesn't do that. It's all so tasteless that we pile several spoonfuls of jam on the bread just to make our brains recognize that we've had something to eat.

Have you ever had some jam and had to really concentrate to figure out if it was strawberry or raspberry? That's what I mean. It's tasteless, it's high fructose corn syrup, it's preservatives and chemicals we can't pronounce. Funny, our grandmothers made strawberry preserves without a single peservative.


What is soy lecithin? What are mono and diglycerides or guar gum or carrageenan? I've read lots of cook books and never once saw any of those things in the lists of ingredients. I've never seen them for sale in a grocery store, either. If we don't need and can't buy soy lecithin for cooking at home, why do we permit it in our pre-packaged food?

So, I'm going to restock my ice cream providing I can find Bryer's All Natural. Their Neapolitan has: MILK, CREAM, SUGAR, STRAWBERRIES, WHEY, COCOA (PROCESSED WITH ALKALI), TARA GUM, NATURAL FLAVOR.

And I'm not too happy about the tara gum, either. Next step is an ice cream maker. Dang, I'm going to know what I put in my mouth!

Most everyone here is probably way ahead of me on this front. Just in case there is anyone with head still firmly planted in sand, I thought I'd share.


  • beedrty
    beedrty Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with your descision. I gave up all processed foods in May and have never felt better. For me it was it was eating absurd chemicals and PAYING corporations that don't care about me for the privilege. When i finally hit my maitenance weight I plan to cut out big grocery stores and give my money over to local markets. Just my .02 Great job, I hope there are more like you.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Meh, I eat a pint (4 "servings") of different Breyer's Blast flavors every night. It's freaking delicious. People are always looking to villify food. It's not what is in the food that makes us over weight. It's how much you eat in excess, it's that simple. Health is a different conversation from weight.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Meh, I eat a pint (4 "servings") of different Breyer's Blast flavors every night. It's freaking delicious. People are always looking to villify food. It's not what is in the food that makes us over weight. It's how much you eat in excess, it's that simple. Health is a different conversation from weight.

    I wish but it goes straight to you know where. :sad:
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    We have slowly eliminated food that contains different food additives. We remove about one per year.

    1. High Fructose Corn Syrup
    2. Food colorings or dyes
    3. Nitrates or nitrites

    Those alone have made a huge difference. Also, we make our own bread and about everything else. You are right about the taste.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    Making your own ice cream is ultimately the best option. I am shocked at what all they can hide under the label 'natural flavors'. It is one of those terms that means nothing. I most prefer when i can make my own food, so i know exactly how it's made and what's in it.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'm not a fan of additives, either. They're used by food companies to keep foods fresher longer and the products can be made in larger quantities at lower prices. My favorite ice cream is Grom gelato, which I believe is all natural. It's also quite expensive.

    The reason the additives aren't sold for home use is that most folks making ice cream at home are making small quantities that will be consumed in 24 hours.
  • I so understand your Ice cream thing! I almost throw out a almost full half gallon of cookie dough just to get rid of it. I couldn't so I got 1/2 cup plastic containers and measured it out! I hope it will help.I would rather eat the real natual stuff and with the jam I do the all fruit and deal with the mess of dealing with natual peanut butter also.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    We have an ice cream/frozen yogurt maker :D because my boyfriend is such an ice cream fiend, and as soon as we get it back from his sister who took it away when he was on lent last year (LOL) i'm going to insist he make me some greek frozen yogurt :)

    i agree, we eat more to get the taste because processed foods are relatively bland. i love making my own jams, i haven't in recent years because i've been living away from my parents home and thus away from their garden and the farmers around them who grow organically (and one who actually uses two big ole fat plough horses to plough his garden patch!)
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    Ice Cream is my weakness...I finished off my Edy's last night, swearing not to buy anymore but I love it!! I try eating the 1/2 cup serving but that is a joke, lol...I have to have at least a cup and I eat it every night until it is gone!!! My guess is I will be buying more also, hopefully I can and will learn to eat it in moderation:wink:
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    Making your own ice cream is ultimately the best option. I am shocked at what all they can hide under the label 'natural flavors'. It is one of those terms that means nothing. I most prefer when i can make my own food, so i know exactly how it's made and what's in it.

    i make my own ice cream! i invested in a good ice cream maker. it is soooooo easy to make your own! and the best part is you know EXACTLY what goes in your ice cream! if you can find a good recipe for a "base", you can basically add anything to that and create your own flavors.

    my homemade ice cream has LESS THAN 6 ingredients: egg yolks, heavy cream, milk, sweetener (i use raw honey or agave nectar), a pat of butter (makes all the difference in the world!) and whatever flavorings i want to use.

    in the last 5 weeks, i've made pistachio (with real roasted pistachios), almond chocolate chip (with almond butter), green tea (found green tea powder at a whole foods tea shop), vanilla mascarpone, nutella banana and apricot marsala.

    lots of options out there and i pretty much let my imagination run wild. and i sure as hell feel a lot better feeding my 3 year old little boy ice cream with REAL ingredients!!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I agree with you for the most part. Just thought I would let you know gaur gum is a product sold in the health food section that is similiar to a geletin product. In many of the recipes I have for allergy free it is used to help thicken a sauce or dough.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Frozen bananas, with some frozen strawberries and blueberries with 1/4 cup of milk (I use 2% but use what you want) Put in a blender and blended till smooth , looks like icecream tastes like ice cream and it really very good and you feel like your eating ice cream. I use 5 oz of bananas, 5 oz of strawberries and 2 oz of blueberries and the 1/4 cup of milk adds up to about 250 calories, but it makes a huge bowl so I split it with my kid and give him a little more than half of it and I still have a big bowlfull and only 126 calories. You can add peanutbutter to the mix with some coco and have it that way. Yonanas makes a machine that you can purchase if you want but the blender does just fine. And there are tons of different recipies out there to enjoy all the different ways you can enjoy it. My next one to make is with some coconut milk and pineapple. With adding vanilla flavoring it should cover up the banana taste. Give it a's a pic of what I make, this is without the blueberries.


    decided to add the one with blueberries too
  • malabaugh
    malabaugh Posts: 130 Member
    I love my ice cream too! I used to buy Breyers all natural ice cream until I learned that they use milk chock full of antibiotics and growth hormones. Mmmmm. Natural. No thanks!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yep, I always go for Breyers all natural varieties. And I have these cute little dessert dishes that hold about one scoop - keeps me from loading up a big ol' bowl. I had some last night!
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    guar gum and carrageenan are thickeners

    carrageenan is seaweed
    guar gum comes from beans. guar gum, can be used in gluten free baking sometimes to make bread. you can buy it at health food stores.
    whey is isolated protein from milk
  • astrylian
    astrylian Posts: 194 Member
    I just eat overnight oats for dessert when I want something cold, sweet, and creamy. :drinker: