30 Day Shred - People 240lb +



  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    I am currently around 254. I started at 272...I have started and never finished 30 day shred for different reasons...some beyond my control and some not. What I can tell you from my experience only is you will notice a difference when you do it. You will sweat like crazy and want to die the next morning. You might actually gain a few pounds at first...pretty normal...my knees CANNOT handle any kind of jumping activity, so I march in place, do modified jumping jacks (side step instead of jump out/in), and just keep moving during those moments of cardio. I also could not do a single push-up to save my life. I did wall push ups to start...then I was shown how to do a 'girl' push up...lay flat on the floor, push yourself up, bending only at the knees so that from your shoulders to your knees you are a straight line. it works. lots of different schedules for 30ds as well. One I like is this:
    Day 1: Shred
    Day 2: Cardio
    Day 3/4: Shred
    Day 5: Cardio
    Day 6:Shred
    Day 7: Rest/light cardio

    Best of luck to you. Feel free to friend me! :smile:
    I really like your schedule. You mix it up well. That's what I need to start doing.

    Thanks...but it's not my schedule...I stole it from someone else! :)
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Started at 263, down to 255.. about to kick off into level 2. First day sucked bigtime. Keep with it.
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    I posted a thread about this earlier. I'm 335 and starting it up soon. The most important thing is to try and push yourself a little bit farther each day until you can do it.