WE need a free day :(



  • Jalexander33
    Jalexander33 Posts: 52 Member
    I want to thank you all for the GREAT SUPPORT. I must admit this has been the best website, experience and overall fun I've ever had dieting. Sometimes I can't even believe I'm saying that haha.

    We ended up not going due to weather but we are looking at healthy alternatives such as making our own or finding a place that provides the nutritional values we need. And if we want to be extra bad we'll ride our bikes 9 miles instead of our normal 4.6 ride :)

    Again thank you all guys for the support and comments! We both appreciate it!
  • wrensong27
    wrensong27 Posts: 33 Member
    I say as long as you can enjoy a free day and then go back to your healthier eating choices, go for it. One off day every now and then isn't going to hurt your weight loss.

    My husband and I took a mini vacation two weeks after I started here and I was terrified of undoing all I had done. We ate out several times and even went for drinks once....I did not gain any weight!!!

    Also if you guys can get in some exercise, then that will help offset the extra calories....

    Go eat wings and enjoy yourselves!!