Anybody else on a low carb diet?

Just curious.

I lost the majority of my weight on a low carb diet but got sloppy for awhile. I'm back on the low-carb diet and realized that I hadn't really talked to anyone else on a low-carb diet.

I'm curious for those on a low-carb diet ... what are your ratios? Carbs/Fat/Protein?

I'm really interested in how much fat you allow yourself on a daily basis. I'm eating just fat from healthy sources .. but am just curious to see what everyone else is doing.



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i normally do low carb... but i've been slacking. too many parties and festivals and whatnot.

    i don't count cals, but 60% fat 35% protein and 5% carbs.
    and even though i don't count cals, the'yre usually anywhere from 800 to 1600.
    but i'm in ketosis so it's all good.
  • raylenebrooks
    raylenebrooks Posts: 137 Member
    I am on a low carb, low fat, high protein. I keep my carbs under 100, fat is normally at 50ish though I do not really pay attention to it. It is not as low as atkins but around 70-80 carbs I am able to stay in ketosis and lose weight. I am down 40 since January and about 75 from my highest weight. Feel free to add me you can see my diary.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Hi there. As I get closer to my goal my nutritionist recently changed my macros to 40c/40p/20f.
  • I'm trying to kick my sugar and carb addictions [gained 30 pounds since starting a baking business in January]. I'm also a really picky eater so I need to try more protein and veggie sources.

    So I started Paleo on this past Tuesday. After a bunch of research and posting in several Paleo forums, I've settled on 60 fat/20 protein/20 carbs and less than 30 grams of sugar [I loooove fruit]- for at least the first 30 days. After 30 days I'll re-evaluate based on how much I've lost and how I feel.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    60% fat 35% protein and 5% carbs.

    These are my macros, too! I do follow (not too strictly) the calorie guidelines set by MFP.

    Uh... ignore my diary. My macros today are wonky because it's a "drink beer for dinner" night. I'm into getting healthy, but tonight is a special occasion :D

    Keto is great!
  • I am. I don't count fats or protein. I do count carbs and keep it at 20 or less. My calories are around 1000. Most all my fats are good fats and I trim my meat well. Also skin my chicken. I've lost 54 lbs and have 10 to go to goal
  • I am on a low carb diet as well. I have noticed if I eat less than 45grams of fat per day the weight comes off really fast. Also I dont know if you like to eat Kale. Kale is really great little veggie to eat that melts fat as well plus its high in fiber and low cals.
  • I am on the Zone diet. It is considered low carb. It is a specific balance of carb, fat and protein which helps keep insulin levels in balance which in turn will help you lose weight.

    I have 9g of fat, 21g of protein, and 27g of carbs per meal and 2 snacks consisting of 3g fat, 7 protein and 9 carbs.

    Total per day: 33g fat, 77g protein and 99g carbs.

    Not sure if that helps you or not.
  • maryjboom
    maryjboom Posts: 137 Member
    I just started eating less carbs. I am not as low as Atkins, but I just started. I am eating like 80-130 cabs a day with a decrease each week. I find it hard to find something for breakfast.
  • I do lowish carb (I am nursing a baby so not as low as I used to). I try to keep to 80-100 in carbs, I'm doing 1800 calories per day (and not eating my exercise calories back), and I absolutely ignore fat numbers. I watch my cals, carbs and ignore the fat and protein. Because if I am watching cals and carbs, it keeps fat decent and protein I never worry about. I eat only good fats (saturated, animal, coconut and never veggie, very little olive)
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I stay pretty low carb, at least by American standards! I'm usually under 100g a day and usually aim for well over 100g of fat a day, protein lands where it lands and I don't concern myself with it too much. It works great for me and my weight is easily maintained eating this way. I'm also gluten free, due to an intolerance, and mostly grain free due to the high calorie and carb count of grains.
  • I do low carb and can only have 45 grams of carbs per meal B/L/ D. I was told by the nutritionist to not count the fat or calories because it's included in the carbs. I hope this works because this is my last attempt before I consider surgery.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I was told by the nutritionist to not count the fat or calories because it's included in the carbs.

    Could you clarify on this? To my understanding, fat/protein/carbs are three very different things and have their own caloric amounts.
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I think I get to eat more avacados!! Maybe even some cheese! My fat intake has been pretty low lately. I've been avoiding all fat because cheese is one of my binge foods. Those are really the only two sources I've been getting my fat. I want to lose it healthily and not go so low on the fat that I end up feeling deprived or binge.

    Thanks again!
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    I am on a low carb diet as well. I have noticed if I eat less than 45grams of fat per day the weight comes off really fast. Also I dont know if you like to eat Kale. Kale is really great little veggie to eat that melts fat as well plus its high in fiber and low cals.


    I'm a vegetarian and I didn't know that about Kale. It'll be on my grocery list!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Kale is really great little veggie to eat that melts fat

    yes, vegetables melt fat >.>
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I think I get to eat more avacados!! Maybe even some cheese! My fat intake has been pretty low lately. I've been avoiding all fat because cheese is one of my binge foods. Those are really the only two sources I've been getting my fat. I want to lose it healthily and not go so low on the fat that I end up feeling deprived or binge.

    Thanks again!

    eating fat in foods won't make you fat ;) do it up! i love cheese and butter and cream.. oh man. i think i need to make some cream of broccoli soup.
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    I do low carb and can only have 45 grams of carbs per meal B/L/ D. I was told by the nutritionist to not count the fat or calories because it's included in the carbs. I hope this works because this is my last attempt before I consider surgery.

    I hope you don't do the surgery. You're only 30 pounds from goal if I'm looking at your ticker right?