calorie question?

I lost another .8 lb this past week which is great but I noticed it dropped my cals to 1200 per week if I want to lose 1 lb per week and I burned almost 3000 calories week with 7 days of workouts. but i I want to lose 0.5 lbs it allots me over 1400 calories. so right now i am under 130 would you lower the calories and leave it at 1 lb per week or lower the amount of weight per week and get more calories help I am lost. my goal is to weigh 115 by July


  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I would up the calories so you start getting use to eating more and not less. When you get to your goal you will probably be eating even more than 1400. I also think it's better to lose slowly, I think it makes maintaining the loss easier. And it gives you time to access your goal as you go. I started with a goal of 115 but have settled on 120. Even though it's only 5 pounds this is easier for me to maintain. It's like my happy weight. Plus I look better now because I am more toned than the last time I was at 115.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    thanks I think I will lower weight to 0.5 and see what that does for me thanks for much for the advice.