Gaining matter what I try!



  • PaleoRDH
    OMG I feel your pain, it's so frustrating. See your doctor there may be circumstances you are not aware of that are affecting your metabolism or just body processes in general.
  • purple_sky
    Take a cardio class at a gym. Also I don't think you can burn 500 calories in a 35 min walk! I don't think you're exercising enough and you counting the exercise as more calories than it is. And when you log in your excerise MFP is not telling you that you SHOULD eat more calories, only that you CAN eat more calories IF you're hungry or need energy.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I know that I cannot eat as much as I used to. I need to keep my exercise between 200-300 calories if I am going to eat them back because that's about all I can add back and eat without having a TON left over. Sometimes, I can't even do that.

    So, maybe exercise a little less. OR I have found out that if I stick to my calorie goal, I can lose weight consistently (which for me is 2-4lbs one week then nothing for a few weeks and repeat) without exercise.

    I stick with the settings/amounts that MFP suggests and I have been fine.
  • Kairunz
    Hi just from looking at the days you are filling in your food diary I can see you eat alot of prepackaged processed food. You need to be eating 90% whole foods, Veges and fruit and lean meats. Try to eat as little wheat, starchy foods as possible. Don't give up just try changing what you are doing. I wish you all the best!
  • RoosMommy01
    - are you losing inches?

    - have you yo yo dieted frequently in the past? if so it's possible that your metabolism is much lower than what the formulas will tell you. in that case you should be spending time first repairing your metabolism before trying to lose weight

    - is it possible that you're eating more than you think you are? the MFP database isn't 100% accurate. i know i've seen stuff that isn't right either calorie wise or serving size wise. i generally assume that i'm eating 10-20% MORE than what i have logged

    I'm busting out my tape measure tomorrow. I won't be looking at the scale for a long time to come.

    No I never was a yo yo dieter. I just recently became serious about losing weight. I've never tried any of those fast result diets or anything like that.

    I've read somewhere before about possibly adding 100-200 cals a day since MFP isn't perfect on calories.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    If you've gone to the Dr. and you have no health issues. i would say stay within your calorie goal that MFP gives you and work out. I use to obsess over the scale..several times daily..i finally got to the point to where i was fed up and said..enough! I took my measurements once a month and even though the scale itsself wasn't really budging i was losing inches like nobodys business and for me that was the most important thing. the numbers on the scale can stay the same but if you're losing inches that is what you're gonna notice..that's whats gonna make your clothes fit differently. Just keep taking it one day and a time, and don't give up :)
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yep, everyone nailed it. Have your thyroid checked. This was happening to me too for a LONG time, over 4 years actually. I went in to the doctors demanding they find out what's going on about this about 8 months ago. Now down 19 lbs in 2 months. Not bad for being a hypo =)
  • RoosMommy01
    Take a cardio class at a gym. Also I don't think you can burn 500 calories in a 35 min walk! I don't think you're exercising enough and you counting the exercise as more calories than it is. And when you log in your excerise MFP is not telling you that you SHOULD eat more calories, only that you CAN eat more calories IF you're hungry or need energy.

    When walking my heart rate stays between 150-155. Everyone claims that to be too high (even from a HRM) so I usually take that number plus the number MFP gives me and just average out the two. Also I hardly EVER eat back exercise calories...that's what made me think maybe I should be eating them but if I'm not hungry then I don't eat. The only time I forced myself to eat was when I was doing the "eat more to weight less" group
  • purple_sky
    Also try the 90 Day Supreme DVD system. It has weight training to build lean muscle and cardio to burn fat. Try a calorie counting site to better calculate the calories you burn during excerise. Like this one:
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    Well first good job on keeping at it. Do not give up it is always better to stay active,
    I second going to the doc. very important. I do not think you are exercising too much. Walking is a great exercise, I think adding weight lifting will really help.
    When it comes to your foods, you should add more veggies. Lots and lots of veggies. There are so many recipes here. Maybe sub greek yogurt for sour cream. you can add veggies to all your dishes. It will fill you and up and it is so good for you. and will help your body be regular.
    Good luck, Dont give up, Dont give up. Things take time. Its worth it.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Since you did lose a great chunk of weight already your body is adapting. Try switching up your workout instead of just walking try couch to 5k or I'm a hugeeeeee fan of Jillian Michaels body revolution. make the intensity count! Never eat till you want to puke, if your hungry eat, if not dont. But its nt just caloies its WHAT you eat. Try cutting out some of the cheese and dairy and processed food. It took me a while to get used to things like real peanut butter( ingredients are just peanuts and maybe salt, not molasses and sugar and all that crap). Try this app called 'fooducate' and learn about the foods you are putting in your body. Good luck!
  • Jlan11
    Jlan11 Posts: 61 Member
    I took a look at your food/excercise diary. I noticed that one day you calculated 510 calories in 35 minutes of walking. Maybe someone else with more expertise can comment, but I don't believe that there is any way for you to burn that many calories walking. I have been doing ripped in 30 and C25K for the last 6 weeks. I also use a heart rate monitor. Even when I am jogging 20 minutes, my calorie burn is about 260- 270. I noticed in one of your posts, you mentioned that your heartrate is between 150-155. When I calculated that based on your previous posts stats, your calories burned was only 291. Also, it is hard to get an accurate idea of your eating habits, when you have several days of not logging. I am not very consistent on logging either, but I will honestly say that when I don't log all day, I am usually eating really bad things that I don't want anyone seeing. Maybe that is just me, but if you don't log, then I assume that maybe your calories are a lot higher than you estimate. I think blood work would be good to rule out any problems. If everything is okay, then you should take a look at your eating habits and make necessary adjustments.
  • kawalakat
    Two things 1) get a blood test! You may have a hypothyroidism. 2) From the sounds of it you don't exercise too much, you do, however, too much of the same thing. Try varying your workouts and adding intensity. Good luck.
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    I'd have to agree with everyoen else. Cut out so much of the cheese, sour cream and peanut butter. Find a powdered peanut butter if you can, eat cheese a lot more moderately if that's a must for you, and try to just cut out the sour cream for a while. Everything in moderation.
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    I'm a little suprised that you have such a high cal. goal. I'm 6'1" and I was 290 lbs and am down to 240 ish. I put my settings on MFP as sedentary and it has me now at 1550 cals a day to lose 2 lbs a week. If you are loggin walking as exercise than I would gess that you are not very active the rest of the time and should maybe check your settings on this web site. It looks like you are just eating to much to lose weight.
    Sorry I know that people have a lot of theories but if you have a high goal set and you eat back high estimates of exercise calories you will gain weight. Also if you are not loggin everything in the web site it is hard for you to be sure what you are doing and it is hard for anyoine else to help.