Anyone successfully lose weight eating 1200 cal or less?



  • Yes, me. Eating 1200 calories to lose weight does NOT mean that you are going to gain back the weight you lost. I have kept my weight off for 2-1/2 years now. Why do people regain the weight after losing it? It is not because they lost the weight on 1200 calories daily but because they go back to their old habits of eating more calories daily than they are burning. It is as simple as that.

    A 1200-calorie diet is NOT for everyone, nor should it be. You have to take into consideration how overweight you are, your age, your sex, your height, your activity level, and your medical issues. I am 62, barely 5'1" tall, and have a BMR of 1154. I cannot lose weight eating back my exercise calories. However, I can maintain my weight loss by eating back some of my calories. Find what works for YOUR body.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • zephylis
    I eat around 1000 cal when I want to lose weight. I'm very sedative and daily spending cal is about 1500, so if I want to lose weight, I have to eat less. People talk about starvation mode or gaining the weight back etc. but that is not really an issue if you don't binge eat. Once you are at your desired weight, just return to normal calorie levels slowly and let your body adjust, that way you won't gain the weight back.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    I am eating very successfully at 1200 calories, eating a lot, and losing a lot. I am very happy and believe this to be a sustainable diet. I go over some days, and that's perfectly fine.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I lose weight when I stay around 1150 most days.
  • mangozulu
    mangozulu Posts: 90 Member
    Yup! It worked for me because I do not have emotional eating issue or eating disorders.

    This is why stomach staple works, you are just doing what they can't do on their own.

    There is no evidence of starvation mode for men over 6% BF or woman over 12% body fat.

    Since I am under 12% BF I can't eat that low or I risk starvation mode. Make sense? But when I was obese I could eat that low because I had BF reserves which prevented me from going into starvation mode. That's how it works.

    This is not recommended for people with eating disorders or emotional eating problems like binging because then you might yo-yo.

    Great post thank you!

    I have kept it off a year so the nonsense that you will gain it back if you eat that low is, well, nonsense. emotional reaction to the starvation mode myth.
  • renegadecupid
    Simple answer is yes, people have lost weight eating 1200 calories.

    Much better answer is no, you won't healthfully lose weight eating that few calories.

    Between 1500-1900 is a goal to do it healthy.

    Think of it in terms of creating a healthy eating lifestyle as well. If you lose too much weight too fast, you'll just gain it all back if you haven't adhered to a plan.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I am eating very successfully at 1200 calories, eating a lot, and losing a lot. I am very happy and believe this to be a sustainable diet. I go over some days, and that's perfectly fine.

    A sibling who has to lose weight remarked to me that you can actually eat a fair amount of food on 1200. It's working. Go sibling!
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    i stated eating under 1200 then consistantly have bumped it up. it was too low there and i felt like crap. im at 1350 right now. on days i burn a lot i might be between 1400-1500cal. i think my plan is to keep bumping up in 50 cal increments the closer to goal i get. like 50 cals every month. it slows me down, but that way i can move into maintenence easier.
  • clowdusc
    If you're really small like I am (I'm 4 feet and 10 inches tall), then yes. But you can't go under 1200 calories. If you're taller than me, then I wouldn't advise it. I actually don't even eat just 1200 calories a day, I usually eat 1300 and I'm still losing weight at a consistent rate of 1lb a week, which is healthy. I don't exercise either. If you put in your height and weight, and your goal weight, this site is pretty accurate at how many calories you should eat to lose weight.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Yup! It worked for me because I do not have emotional eating issue or eating disorders.

    This is why stomach staple works, you are just doing what they can't do on their own.

    There is no evidence of starvation mode for men over 6% BF or woman over 12% body fat.

    Since I am under 12% BF I can't eat that low or I risk starvation mode. Make sense? But when I was obese I could eat that low because I had BF reserves which prevented me from going into starvation mode. That's how it works.

    This is not recommended for people with eating disorders or emotional eating problems like binging because then you might yo-yo.

    I have kept it off a year so the nonsense that you will gain it back if you eat that low is, well, nonsense. emotional reaction to the starvation mode myth.

    I agree, I have eaten less and I'm still in the process and so far I'm steadily losing and no side affects that everyone keeps yapping about. I've been eating low since April and dieting since January. I also don't recommend it. I do what I do for me. I don't see a problem keeping it off down the road and I'm smart enough to know I can't maintain this low for the rest of my life and I know what I got to do, I've got this : ) People will tell you it's to low cause they panic over silly things that won't occur unless your body fat is below a certain amount.
  • Bee917
    Bee917 Posts: 1 Member
    My doctor told me 1200 calories was ok in 2010. I started my diet 01/21/10, lost 105 pounds in 10 months. Over the last 2 1/2 years, I've put back on 25-30. That being said, I got lazy with my exercise, not my eating habits. I did start eating more calories, obviously, but not all at once. Dr. actually said to gradually add back to the1200 until reaching about 18-2000 a day with the same exercise, it sill goes back to the exercise I guess. :smile:
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    :noway: No. Freaking. Way. :noway:

    Not for me. I like food way too much. I'd rather lose slower and still be able to enjoy a lot of food.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Do we know OP's stats? Suggesting 1900 calories could cause someone to gain weight if she is light enough.
  • cherrym03
    cherrym03 Posts: 26 Member
    I usually eat in the 1200-1300 cal range and for me it works. I have days when I eat over that but it balances out over the course of the week. But it depends on a number of things, of course.
    I'm petite so my body needs slightly less calories. Also, I tend to respect my eating hours and I make sure I eat nutritious and filling meals, which means not starving myself. And I'm not going out of my way to eat like this either. It's something I could continue doing for the rest of my life because it's become a habit.
    I've had periods when I'd munch on something at random hours and so adapting to a certain schedule was tough at first, but now my stomach knows when to expect and receive healthy, filling foods.
    I certainly believe it depends on who you ask, really. But that's just my opinion thrown in here :]
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    Simple answer is yes, people have lost weight eating 1200 calories.

    Much better answer is no, you won't healthfully lose weight loose weight eating that few calories.

    This. Plus, you're more likely to gain back all the weight once you start eating your BMR/maintenance level if you lose on a low-calorie diet.

    AGREE!! :smile:
  • hawaiianbaby1
    Same for me. I eat less than 1200 and I'm full throughout the whole day. I lost 12 lbs so far. There are days when I eat over but for the most part it's under 1200
  • gldnlark

    I'm not currently able to get much exercise, and at 1200 calories, I was losing nothing but my sanity... I cranked it WAY down (I'm petite and small-boned) and finally lost 12lbs in one month. It's the only thing that works for me.
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    I've been eating an average of 1200 calories since April, I workout 5 times weekly at the gym. I'm there 1 1/2 hours and I work hard weather I'm doing weight training or cardio I'm moving and sweating heavy. I do not eat back my exercise calories I do try and eat 100 grams of protien daily. The only days I feel hungery are the days I over do refined carbs and don't get not enough protien. I don't feel run down and sickly I have plenty of energy throughout my day, and I'm 5'8". I don't think there is just one weight loss option, we all lose differently so do what works for you I wish you all continued luck on your weight lose journeys
  • lunnay
    lunnay Posts: 66 Member
    Yes. :) 1200 a day average every week (I tend eat more during weekends), and I always eat back exercise calories (when I have them, which is rare). Lost over 3 kg / 6.63 lbs this month with that, walking (less than 2h a week!), and yoga.

    Things I've actively changed in my diet:
    - No more late night snacking (it doesn't fit in my 1200 kcals);
    - Apples and carrots (pears, bananas, kiwis too) when I want a snack, instead of chocolate, so I can have a nice dinner;
    - Cooking with significantly less oil, no fried things;
    - At dinner/lunch, I eat more meat and vegetables than before and less rice and pasta;
    - All meals include some form of vegetable or fruit;
    - No more mac & cheese or MacDonald's fries (McChicken is still a go to a max of once a week);
    - Coffee gets 2 teaspoons of sugar, not 3. :(
  • MrsRichardson603
    For me I eat less than the 1200 per day, usually around 1000. I am only 5 foot and do light excersize 5x a week. It works for me and I can consistantly lose every week without ever feeling hungry.

    good luck!