Slim down September.

Hey guys! I'm Tanika I'm almost twenty one! Over the past 24 months. I've lost 35 kilo's. I was 110kgs, and now am at 75/79 kilo's. I'm having trouble loosing the last 15/20 kilo's so I thought I'd join up. And yeah! I'd like to make some friends and some support on here!:) I want to be my UGW of 60 kilo's by December. Three months. So 5 kilo's a month should be doable. :) TALK TO MEEEEE!:D BE MY FRIEND!


  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    Hey Tanika :)

    first welcome to MFP and it seems u are going a great job alrdy since u dropped from 110kgs to 75/79kgs !! well done girl :)
    I joined MFP after I lost alrdy around 14kg before that and really liked all my friends who supported me to loose more of my weight here! trying to stay healthy and on track..also tone up my body to be at the best shape ever!!

    feel free to add me I would properly support u in ur journey :) I WILL BE UR FRIEND!!

  • gracetlayting
    gracetlayting Posts: 2 Member
    WOW! 19kgs!!!! how did you do that??? I'm trying to lose 5kg more to my ideal weight too. lets spur each other on!!
    How is your exercise/diet regime like?